Numbering Our Days

For many people, that point in time when an old year dies and a new year is born is a time for revelry, For not a few such revelry reaches the full measure of unconsciousness to the hard fact that another year of life has passed into its long yesterday. There is reason to suspect that there […]

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Toward a Christian Psychology

It would be most unwise to assume that the Bible is a textbook in psychology. If one should gather together and correlate all the texts in the Bible containing some word or phrase or thrust with psychological import and then systematize these findings, he would not yet have what could properly be called a scientific psychology. […]

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Under Church Spires…

No Hope for Reunion? The fact of a recent division in the Protestant Reformed Churches is not a valid reason for rejoicing on the part of anyone. Church strife is most unpleasant, and its consequences too grievous to allow any other reaction but sadness. This is not to deny that there may well be occasion for […]

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Equal Rights for Christian Parents

Equal rights for Christian parents is a goal yet to be attained in democratic America. The freedom to send our children to the school of our choosing for the same money that it costs public school parents to send their children to the public school is not yet ours. We do not yet have equal rights with parents […]

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From a Principal’s Desk…

For a long time public schools were as idols in our nation. Today American educators are howling under the criticism this sancrosanct institution is receiving. But, are we beginning to idolize our Christian schools too?                   Under God’s grace they are something in which we may take pride. Yet […]

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Evolutionary Dogma and Christian Theology III

The admonition, that all things, including Christianity, must change or perish, has, it would seem, been taken seriously by many theologians. It is, indeed, true that even prior to the epiphany of Darwinism theological circles had not been entirely free from feelings of embarrassment because of the prominence of the supernatural element in historic Christianity. The […]

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Is it Worth Reading?

The Well-Meant Gospel Offer, The Views of H. Hoeksema and K. Schilder ALEXANDER C. DE JONG (T. Wever, Franeker, The Netherlands, 1954, pp. 200) The witness of the Church is in danger of being silenced when theologians go off on logical tangents in order to satisfy the demand for a “reasonable faith.” The desire for logical […]

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