The word “devote” is given the following definition in Webster’s Dictionary: “to give up oneself or one’s time, energy, to some purpose, activity, or person.” Every person is devoted to something or someone whatever absorbs one’s time. We will consider devoting ourselves faithfully to Bible reading, Bible study and prayer. Any relationship requires faithful and […]
Question: How is the Sabbath to be sanctified? Answer: The Sabbath is to be sanctified by a holy resting all that day, even from such worldly employments and recreations as are lawful on other days; and spending the whole time in the public and private exercises of God’s worship, except so much as is to […]
Many, not all, of the Biblical principles which are applicable to revival have been reviewed in previous articles. Is there revival in North America? Review the principles and apply them to what you have seen, experienced, or heard about. It may very well be that one group of people is experiencing revival and another is […]
Recently I talked about the problem of a complaining, grumbling mouth that actually issues from a rebellious heart whether we realize it or not. Nobody likes to be around someone who regularly complains. Some of you are married to a person like that and you know what a pain it is, but what about you? […]
READ GENESIS 1:1–2:3; II TIMOTHY 3 Our Lord Jesus Christ once asked His disciples whether they understood the parables which He had spoken (Matthew 13). They said that they did, to which our Lord replied, “Therefore every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a head of a household, […]
READ GENESIS 1:1–5 In the beginning God created His kingdom. Genesis 1:1 reveals to us that the totality of all that exists was created by only one almighty Being, namely, God Himself. Very clearly God makes Himself the first subject of Genesis and thus of the Bible itself. Before anything created was or came into […]
The Reformation was above all a doctrinal reform in the life of the church. Throughout the Middle Ages, calls for reform had primarily been concerned with the moral life of the church. The Reformation certainly resulted in profound moral and spiritual renewal for the church, but the foundation of that renewal was doctrinal. The doctrinal […]
The 1998 “off-year” campaign for control of Congress has started earlier than usual, is likely to be more expensive than ever and, in the end, will probably produce minimal change to the status quo of divided government. As conservatives search desperately for a political savior who can undo the damage they perceive President Clinton and […]
The agenda items for this year’s Christian Reformed Synod were fewer by comparison with the agendas of recent synods. In fact, earlier this year the General Secretary of the CRC, Dr. David Engelhard, even suggested that this year’s synod meeting be canceled in view of the lighter agenda, a suggestion which was turned down by […]