There have been significant shifts away from liberalism in the Reformed family of churches this century. But the approach of a new millennium signals a reaching out across the globe, of Reformed denominations for greater unity in edification and the propagation of the gospel. The recent meeting of the International Council of Reformed Churches in […]

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Readers Respond

In the September issue of The Outlook, contributing editor, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey, wrote an article entitled “A Reformed Dream” in which he expressed a call to unity between Reformed denominations. He proposed that the Reformed denominations which he listed “join together under one general assembly (or general national synod) with each denomination becoming a […]

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Reflections of A Great Church

The institutional church of which I am a part, all too often doesn’t look anything like what Jesus portrayed, and that’s part of the reason so many folks end up “church damaged.” But occasionally you find a faithful picture of what a “Great Commission” church is supposed to resemble. Let me tell you about one […]

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Evolutionary Morals

At the “Human Rights Campaign” dinner for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people, President Clinton said moral law is evolving. “We’re redefining in practical terms the immutable ideas that have guided us,” said the president. But if ideas are immutable (defined as “not capable or susceptible to change”), how can they be redefined? In practical […]

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Melanchthon at 500

1997 marks the 500th anniversary of the birth of Philip Melanchthon. Philip was Luther’s right-hand man, trusted and loved by Luther. He was 14 years younger than Luther, but was with him from the beginning in the reforming work that Luther led from the university and the pulpit of Wittenberg.           […]

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Evaluating Post-millennialism (II)

In my previous article, I began to offer several objections to golden age post-millennialism, the view that anticipates a future age of unprecedented gospel blessing in history prior to the return of Christ. Two objections were raised in that article. The first objection was that golden age post-millennialism seems to teach that Christ is not […]

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