False teaching has crept into the church today and is ruining churches, homes and lives. Even among our Christian and REFORMED circles, “Christianized psychology” is proclaimed to be the answer. Many have been vacuumed up by the “psychobabble” of the day. A few of the results of this “psychological” approach is baggage, blame and burn-out, […]
The 1997 Synod of the Christian Reformed Church adopted a new study on worship.This study, the product of a committee appointed by Synod 1994, sought to update and supplement the last CRC study on worship completed in 1968. The study is about 50 pages long. It reflects wide reading on the current state of American […]
Following the “normalization” of premarital sex, divorce and homosexuality, I have been wondering when and which of the few remaining dominoes dealing with personal morals would fall. It appears the next to go will be adultery. Several press reports indicate the adultery domino is already teetering. The Air Force brought several charges, including adultery, against […]
In 1929 J. Gresham Machen wrote to his mother, “I hate this whole ecclesiastical business, for my part, with all my soul.” The reason for his discouragement was Machen’s imminent departure from Princeton, New Jersey, to nearby Philadelphia. And the reason for his sudden change of address was the founding of a new school of […]
“Ellen” is out and the “culture war” is now in full blown. The homosexual community, Planned Parenthood, much of the media, most of the entertainment industry, a vast array of those wearing judicial robe and the politicians of social engineering are all arrayed against the Neanderthal and society-ally retarded right-wing radical Christians and moralists who […]
Last month the author discussed the Eastern Orthodox lack of emphasis on the guilt imposed on the human race due to Adam’s sin, and the consequent lack of emphasis on the atonement inherent in Christ’s redemptive sacrifice. The What and How of Salvation We move on now to examine Orthodox theology in its description of […]
No biblical treatment of the subject of the millennium can avoid directly addressing the teaching of Revelation 20:1–11, especially verses 1–6.This is the one passage in the Bible which explicitly speaks of the “millennium,” using an expression which literally means a “thousand years” no less than six times.1 George Eldon Ladd, an able proponent of […]
In the last article, I suggested a list of 8 propositions summarizing what Scripture said about the ministry of mercy. It was (and is) my hope that these propositions would find their way to a Deacon’s Meeting table, and prompt careful Scriptural study and policy review and revision. In this one, I wish to explore […]
COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) met at Village Seven Presbyterian Church in Colorado Springs for tis 25th General Assembly meeting June 9–13. This denomination was founded in December of 1973. It separated from the Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUS) in opposition to its long-developing theological liberalism. The PCA […]