W. Robert Godfrey’s Inaugural Address as President of Westminster Seminary in California, October 1, 1993 Dr. Carson, members of the Board of Trustees, fellow faculty members, administrators and staff of the Seminary. students, distinguished guests and delegates, family and my good friends. It is a privilege for me to be here and have this opportunity […]
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are deeply grateful to God for leading our Synod 1994 to take a strong Biblical stand on women in office. This puts many of you in a very difficult position. Many of you are members of churches which have previously defied the synodical stand and […]
Time magazine last December, extravagantly praised the new biography of the world’s most prominent scientist who produced its reigning theory of quantum electrodynamics. Plunging into 438 pages of text gave some grounds for the Library Journal to characterize it as: “One of the most touching, affecting and important works of scientific biography in the last […]
Teachers of Christ’s church are called to “contend for the faith once delivered to the saints” (Jude 3) by addressing the challenges to the faith that arise in each generation. The board and faculty of Westminster Seminary in California confess our faith in the Sovereign God who has revealed himself in his creation, in Christ […]
II Timothy 1:5, 3:12–15 “…knowing from whom you have learned them.” II Timothy 3:14b (NASV) We would love to probe into the child-training secrets of grandmother Lois which earned for her double praise from Paul in II Timothy 1 and 3. Whatever else she may have done in raising daughter Eunice and grandson Timothy, we […]
The decision by a Michigan jury to acquit Dr. Jack Kevorkian of a criminal charge that he helped a 30-year-old man kill himself erases an important line between life and death that will not easily be redrawn. The jury ignored Michigan’s law banning assisted suicide and played a semantical game when it concluded there is […]
The question is often asked regarding the Holocaust in Nazi Germany: “How was it possible that otherwise upstanding Germans could have allowed such a thing to happen?” How could they knowingly have let thousands, even millions of the Jewish people be shipped off to concentration camps for gassing and cremation? Didn’t they know what was […]
We talk about human rights In words harsh and wild. The most violated rights Are the rights of a child. With all the abortions That’s very bad news. In the U.S. we killed more babies Than Hitler killed Jews. We have animal rights But may we […]
Several years ago I wrote an article for the Mid-America Messenger entitled, “No Room on the Denominational Plane” (7/9, August, 1989). The article commented on the decision of Synod 1989 of the Christian Reformed Church not to include Mid· America Reformed Seminary on the denominational list of approved causes for offerings in the churches. Since […]
In traditional treatments of the Bible’s teaching regarding the future, it has been customary to distinguish between “individual eschatology” and “general eschatology.” The former addresses the kind of topics with which we have been preoccupied in several preceding articles, such as physical death, immortality and the state of man between death and the resurrection of […]