On the question as to the necessity in our land and time, of separate Christian organizations rather profoundly different views are currently being propagated in Christian Reformed circles. There has been, it is true, a variety of emphases. Some plead for the organization of Christian pressure groups within existing American organizations; some have urged that the Christian confessor bear his […]
Our pastor preached another doctrinal sermon. It is gelling to be almost more than we can stand! This remark of a Covenanter church member betrays a common, but deplorably wrong-headed, attitude toward the doctrinal system of the Christian Faith. People who say such things regard instruction in Christian truth as a boresome nuisance. They prefer “inspirational” sermons. But “inspiration” will be a […]
Introduction In his recent book on Sex in Childhood and Youth, Dr. Alfred Schmieding of Concordia Teachers College, River Forest, Illinois, makes this observation, “There has for some time been a closer drawing together of teaching and psychology. And if I see the signs aright, there is at present an approach between teaching and psychiatry. Teaching and psychiatry […]
Under this heading The Reformed Journal published a statement over the signature of the Rev. George Stob, Christian Reformed minister in Passaic, N.J., which is an attempt to describe the Christian social objective, to which, no doubt, determined opposition will arise from those who have ever read anything in the field of truly Christian social action. It is […]
The cause of truth demands an aggressive attack on error. Even as the ascended Christ declared that he hated the doctrines of Balaam and of the Nicolaitans, he would have his people hate them. “Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” No more can we love truth and be indifferent to error. An abhorrence of falsehood is […]
The above theme was held in Grand Rapids at Calvin College on April 7 and 8, 1954. There are reasons to believe that this first venture was highly successful. This seemed to be the consensus of opinion among those who attended. The conference was mainly the result of the initiative of Dr. Klaire V. Kuiper, Medical Director and […]
(Part Six) For some time we have been considering the significance of the increasing emphasis on indigenous churches as the goal of Christian mission endeavor. Several important factors demanded consideration. Primarily we were interested in whether this goal and the methods which must be employed to achieve it are in harmony with the principles of the […]
Is there a modern crisis in the family? Many Christian say so, pointing to the increase of divorce, the rise of juvenile delinquency, the loss of family solidarity, etc. There seems to be a change taking place in one of our fundamental institutions. Almost everyone will admit that this change is occurring: but instead of finding […]
It is my intention to write a series of brief articles under the topic: church-going. It will surely harm no one, and it may be of abiding value to many if we try to give account to ourselves of our church attendance and the fruits which we ought to expect from this activity. We are […]
“But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided?” Luke 12:20 A man came to Jesus seeking adjudication of a dispute with his brother about inheritance of property. Jesus declined to decide the matter, adding: “Take heed, and beware […]