Marriage and the Family

PART III: The lime between puberty and marriage is full of tensions. Specifically sexual urges have replaced the casual interest between the sexes, and a new, strange energy suffuses life. In fact, in our culture the tensions are heightened, because our youth does not ordinarily malTy at the time the sexual urges are the most […]

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The Crisis in the Family

Is there a modern crisis in the family? Many Christian say so, pointing to the increase of divorce, the rise of juvenile delinquency, the loss of family solidarity, etc. There seems to be a change taking place in one of our fundamental institutions. Almost everyone will admit that this change is occurring: but instead of finding […]

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“Once a Christian, Always a Christian”

II (Continued from last issue) Moreover we should note that it is only with the security and rest offered by perseverance that the productive Christian life is possible at all. Let us imagine for a moment that we see a gallant troubador serenading his lady outside of her window. The poor fellow is outside. If […]

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“Once a Christian, Always a Christian”

IN the Westminster Confession we find the following concerning perseverance: “They whom God hath accepted in his Beloved, effectually called and sanctified by his Spirit, can neither totally nor finally fall away from the state of grace; but shall certainly persevere therein to the end, and be eternal!y saved (XVII, i:). There are some who […]

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“Toward a Reformed Philosophy”

Young, William, TOWARD A REFORMED PHILOSOPHY. Grand Rapids, Piet Hein Publishers. 1952. 155 pp. Reformed people in America should rejoice at the publication of this slender volume. Before its appearance there was no easy access to a survey in English of the development of the new Calvinistic philosophy, the Philosophy of the Idea of Law, […]

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