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Whose Ministry?

On Tuesday, February 16 an annual CAREER DAY was scheduled at Calvin College. This project was jointly sponsored by the Counseling Center and Placement Office of the College, who arranged to bring on campus some 55 representatives of business, industry, community agencies and the professions. Among the wide variety of career areas to be represented […]

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Who is Telling the Truth?

The Board of Trustees of Calvin College and Seminary, seeking to allay the widespread apprehensions of the churches about the orthodoxy of the faculty of their seminary and in its words “to remove some of the innuendos and false accusations that have been made” has sent a “Public Statement to all the consistories of the […]

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There was a time when articles on “church music” would be automatically bypassed by most laymen of the church because such a topic seemed to lie outside the area of their interest or understanding. But times have changed. Many laymen of the church have been captive participants in worship services where a variety of unsettling, sometimes […]

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THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF JAMES HENLEY THORNWELL, by Dr. B. M. Palmer, reprinted by The Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh, and Box 652, Carlisle, PA 17013, first published 1875, republished 1974. 614 pp. Luder G. Whitlock, writing in the Fall 1974 Westminster Theological Journal compared the role of James Henley Thorn well in the […]

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Our Risen Lord’s “Remote Control”

“And when he had left speaking he said unto Simon, put out into the deep and let down your nets for a draught. And Simon answered and said, Master we toiled all night and caught nothing; but at thy word I will let down the net” (Luke 5:4, 5). “They (the disciples) went into the […]

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In Memoriam: William Hendriksen

It was on November 18, 1900 that Willem Hendriksen made his entrance into this world in the city of Tiel, province of Gelderland, the Netherlands. He was the youngest child in a family of eight sons and one daughter. His father, Bernardus Antonie Hendriksen, a carpenter and specialist in wood carving, was a perfectionist in […]

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THE MILITANT CHURCH Lesson 15 Ephesians 6:10–13 Glorious things have been written about the church in the epistle to the Ephesians! The church is the fulfillment of the “mystery” which had never been revealed before. Jew and gentile, rich and poor, bond and free, learned and unlearned—they all meet together in the church. Paul has […]

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News and Views

A CHRISTIAN HUMANIST MANIFESTO Eternity magazine for January, 1982, features the subject of secular vs. Christian Humanism. It attempts to confront the cultural and intellectual movement which has dominated much of our society, and especially public education, with a statement of the Christian alternative. Secular humanism came to expression in the Humanist Manifesto I (1933) […]

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Mid-America Reformed Seminary News

Dear Friends of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, It is time to bring you up–to-date on several exciting developments in the Seminary since our last visit with you by newsletter. When you read on, we think you will agree with us that the Lord’s prospering hand is establishing this effort in answer to your many prayers. The […]

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