“There they crucified him” (Luke 23:33). “The rulers even sneered at him” (v. 35). “The soldiers also came up and mocked him” (v. 36). “Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads” (Matt. 27:38). “In the same way the chiefpriests, the teachers of the law and the elders mocked him” (v. 41). “In […]
DANGERS TO THE GOSPEL MISSIONS The missionary’s effort to bring the gospel to the world may encounter two especially formidable kinds of obstacles. One of them is the hostility of the people to whom he goes which may take the form of persecution. The other, often more subtle, but just as dangerous, is the pressures […]
Circumventing a Synod Decision Preparatory for the annual June meeting of the Christian Reformed churches’ synod, the agenda of materials to be considered and decided is mailed out and put into the hands of every office-holder in the churches several weeks before the meeting. In 1978 the synod received an overture asking that the financial reports […]
I Cor. 11:29–32: “For he that eateth and drinketh, eateth and drinketh judgment unto himself, if he discern not the body. For this cause many among you are weak and sickly, and not a few sleep. But if we discern ourselves, we should not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened of […]
CHRIST AND THE CHURCH: THE PATTERN FOR THE HOME Lesson 13 Ephesians 5:22–33 Wives and Husbands This paragraph has received more unfavorable attention in our day than any other part of the Epistle to the Ephesians. Paul is dealing with a relationship which is undergoing great changes in our age. What is the proper relationship […]
INTRODUCTION “What does the future hold?” All of us ask this question atone time or another. For many, the future is full of fear. So plaguing is this question that anyone who speaks with the sound of authority becomes a much-sought-after prophet. And then, there are also the psychics, the palm readers or palmists and […]
“Another book on women in office?” . . . “So what!” Before you turn the page however I suggest you take note of this one as it’s published by our own CRC Board of Publications. Authored by Dr. Gordon Spykman of Calvin College and Lillian Grissen, Dordt College instructor, this book is the result of […]
Fact or Fiction During the week prior to Easter, a very interesting news special took one to the Roman Catholic cathedral in Turin, Italy to view behind bulletproof glass the so called divine apparition known as the Shroud of Turin. As the television camera panned across the crowd, hundreds were literally mesmerized by the spectacle […]
A fellow church member and I get into an argument. Nobody else is present. We differ sharply and honestly. After a while he loses his temper and calls me “a hypocrite.” Of course, I feel offended. What am I to do? Scripture gives a clear answer to that question. The offense is both personal and […]
The Grand Rapids Press on Saturday, December 26, 1981, printed an article under the headline, “Adam and Eve’ Issue Leads to Seminary Dialogue.” The article reported on a meeting held at Calvin Seminary the previous Tuesday in which professors at the seminary discussed with students certain controversial questions relative to Scriptural interpretation. It is to be […]