“I’m so bored I could scream. This is absolutely the longest, most miserable evening I can remember,” my wife fretted, wringing her hands and pacing back and forth from the living room to the kitchen. Our television set had been officially pronounced dead by the repairman at 1:20 that Tuesday afternoon. Our four-year-old son first […]
Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God.” John 20:28 What a beautiful confession it is! What Bible-believing Christian has not heard or read these words many times? Thomas was one of the twelve apostles. It was a requirement that a disciple and apostle have seen and believe in the resurrected Lord, but Thomas […]
A recent meeting of Classis Grand Rapids South by a vote that was one short of being unanimous decided to overture the Christian Reformed synod to sever our relationship of ecclesiastical fellowship with the GKN (Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland). Grounds: A. The decision of the GKN regarding practicing homosexuals, together with its clarification in response […]
It is fashionable nowadays to say that all heresies are only a matter of different interpretations of the Scriptures, and that those who propagate such heresies wish to bow before the truth of God’s Word as much as anyone. Well, I’ll be very plain and say that I don’t believe a word of that. There […]
In this third article Rev. Edward Heerema, retired Christian Reformed pastor living at 619 E. 32nd St., Cape Coral, Florida 33904, further explores what promises to be a major issue at the June Christian Reformed Church Synod, the opening of the office of deacon to women. Will Synod 1981 set the mind of the Christian […]
In the first article on Mexico we described the entry stage of the mission work of the CRC in Mexico. The CRC made contact with migrants in the late 50’s, did follow-up work in Mexico, were invited to work with the Independent Presbyterian Church in Mexico and commenced their mission work in the early 60’s. […]
This article is primarily concerned with a proposition contained in the Acts of Synod 1978, p. 530, top of page, and referred to the churches for study. I quote: “The fact that Paul’s most explicit statements concerning the wife’s (woman’s) role in the church are made within the context of specific historical situations raises the […]
This concludes Mrs. Frederika Pronk’s study, begun in the March issue, of women’s role in the early church. While the first installment highlights the important place they took in general, this deals particularly with their position with respect to special offices. Mrs. Pronk is the wife of Rev. Cornelis Pronk, pastor of the Grand Rapids […]
Romans 1:28 On December 8, John Lennon was murdered. That caused a considerable reaction in many people in the U.S. and throughout the world. The major networks devoted much time to him and his past life on the evening following his death. One person stated that no other event had so much coverage since the […]
Hans Rookmaaker, son of a well-to-do non-Christian family was converted through reading the Bible in a Nazi prison camp. He later became professor of Art History at the Free University of Amsterdam and an associate of Francis Schaeffer in working with university students. His work, Modern Art and the Death of a Culture, published by Inter–Varsity […]