Although the Psalms were written many years ago, in an age and culture very different from ours, they still speak to Christians today. The Psalms are timeless, for they express the whole range of human feelings and experiences—from dark doubts and deep depression to exuberant joy and thankful praise. Today, Christian experience the same emotions. […]
This concludes Mrs. Frederika Pronk’s study, begun in the March issue, of women’s role in the early church. While the first installment highlights the important place they took in general, this deals particularly with their position with respect to special offices. Mrs. Pronk is the wife of Rev. Cornelis Pronk, pastor of the Grand Rapids […]
In this 2 part series Mrs. Frederika Pronk gives us the interesting results of her study on the role of women in the early church of the first 5 centuries. Her study helps us by putting the currently contested “women’s issue” in historical perspective. The first part will deal with the prominence of women in […]
Miss Johanna Timmer, departmental editor for Reformed Women Speak, writes: “The following tender account of one of God’s saints, is by Mrs. Frederika Prank, wife of the Rev. C. Pronk. You will find it a most pleasing essay about her very influential Christian grandmother. Old and young will enjoy this moving account of an outstanding […]
The writer of this informational and well-written article, Fredericka (Ricky) Pronk, is the wife of Rev. Cornelis Pronk, pastor of the Free Reformed Church of North America in Grand Rapids, Michigan. At the beginning of her article, Mrs. Pronk states: “In the controversy regarding women in ecclesiastical offices, Scripture must be our guide. However, it […]