Christ Led to Pilate

“And the whole multitude of them arose and led him to Pilate.” Luke 23:1 What we see in this action is little compared with that Jesus saw in it and what He suffered on account of it. The accounts of Jesus’ suffering are detailed. They are lengthy compared with many other accounts of His deeds. […]

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What Will Synod 1981 Say – To Women?

Edward Heerema, retired Christian Reformed pastor living at 619 S.E. 32nd St., Cape Coral, Florida 33904, gives us the second of four articles dealing with the subject which promises to be a major issue at the denomination’s June synod, whether special church offices are to be opened to women. Our church began its recent reflection […]

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Well Said, But Dead Wrong

I don’t know Nick Overduin. I understand that he is a student of theology at Calvin Seminary. I understand also that he might not be “a regular student” (a Christian Reformed male member aspiring to serve in the ministry of the Christian Reformed Church). Whatever and whoever Mr. Overduin is, he does write editorials for […]

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Lesson 15 II Thess. 3:1–5 Paul is coming to the close of a very brief letter which he has sent to the Thessalonian church. He has really dealt with only one doctrinal matter in this letter and has given them the right view concerning the time immediately prior to the return of Christ. He has, […]

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The Role of Women in the Church I

In this 2 part series Mrs. Frederika Pronk gives us the interesting results of her study on the role of women in the early church of the first 5 centuries. Her study helps us by putting the currently contested “women’s issue” in historical perspective. The first part will deal with the prominence of women in […]

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In this article Rev. Neal Hegeman who has worked on our mission field in Mexico introduces us to the complex and recently troubled work there. He has graduated from our seminary and is to take up work under the Christian Reformed Board of World Missions in Costa Rica. Recent issues of THE OUTLOOK have contained […]

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Corporate Responsibility

A Reader’s Question From one of our California readers we have received the following letter: Dear Editor of the Outlook, I would like to see you write an editorial in the Outlook on the following: Are we who are members of the Christian Reformed Denomination responsible for the decisions of Synod? I have in mind […]

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Paul on Women Speaking in Church!

I have recently received a letter from a valued friend asking me to send him a “discussion of the Greek words laleo and lego in such passages as I Cor. 14:33–39, with special reference to the question: Does the thirty–fourth verse forbid all women everywhere to speak or preach publicly in Christian churches?” The matter […]

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