The concept of Sphere Sovereignty is capturing ever greater interest in the CRC and also in other circles. It is highly necessary that we have a clear understanding of what this expression implies. In this lucid article, Or. Norman De Jong, professor at Dordt College, Sioux Center, Iowa, makes clear-cut distinctions to assist the reader […]
Thursday, May 23, will be Ascension Day. It would be difficult to overemphasize the importance of our Lord’s ascension as a link in the golden chain of His saving work. Taken from one of C. H. Spurgeon’s sermons as these are found in “Spurgeon’s Expository Encyclopedia” (Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan), this beautiful excerpt […]
In 1951, as a visitor at Concordia Theological Seminary (Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) in St. Louis, I had the opportunity to chat with a member of the faculty there, and I have not yet forgotten what he told me. At the time, our own Calvin Seminary was in the throes of what appeared to be irreconcilable […]
Do Synodical Study Committees pose a threat to the well-being of the church? Rev. John De Pater is convinced that this is a matter for serious consideration. Rev. De Pater is pastor of the Christian Reformed Church of Williamsburg, Ontario, Canada. This question is not as hypothetical as might appear at first sight. For the […]
Let us Christian women consider the craving some women have for equal rights with men. We shall limit ourselves to the subject of equal rights, so strongly advocated by the women’s lib. movement. Women are crying for equal rights. It stands to reason that if women want equal rights with men they must be equal […]
This interesting and informative article by Rev. Cornelis Prank calls for our most careful attention because it exposes the serious errors of The Living Bible, so popular in our time. Rev. Pronk is a graduate of Calvin Seminary and pastor of the Old Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids. He is Radio Pastor of The […]
In this second article on the subject, Rev. Peter De Jong, pastor of the Christian Reformed Church of Dutton, Michigan, continues his consideration of that much discussed concept—the kingdom. His aim is to clarify just what went wrong here, and also to point out how our thinking on this important matter can be gotten back […]
Signals from the Bible is a small (95 pages, paperback) hut significant book by the well-known professor at Amsterdam, Dr. Harry M. Kuitert. It has been translated into English by Dr. Lewis H. Smedes of Fuller Theological Seminary. This review of the book is by Rev. Edward Heerema, pastor of the Bradenton Christian Reformed Church, […]
“It’s time,” says Rev. Jelle Tuininga, to clip the wings of our Boards and make them small, humble servants of the churches again—as they were intended to be in the first place. And one step in that direction is decentralization. Rev. Tuininga is pastor of the Christian Reformed Church of Smithers, British Columbia. The danger […]
The Consistory of tile Williamsburg Christian Reformed Church overtures the Synod 1974 not to adopt the provisional Form for the Baptism of Children for permanent use in the Christian Reformed Church in its present reading on the following grounds: 1. In the closing paragraph of the Institution the words, “all those brought into fellowship with […]