It was Solomon who said: “What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; and there is nothing new under the sun” (Eccl. 1:9). There is not too much that is new under the sun—especially when it comes to human beings, to their ideas and their conduct. […]
Fifteen years ago Reformed circles in The Netherlands, and also here, were disturbed in no small degree by views on creation and evolution advocated by Dr. Jan Lever, Professor of Zoology at the Free University of Amsterdam. Two years later, in 1958, Lever’s book was made available in English, having been translated by the late […]
Of late, lengthy articles have appeared in The Banner about the sinfulness of ecclesiastical schism. It seems to me that some of the positions taken in these articles arc rather extreme. Church history indicates in no unmistakable terms that the Church can keep herself pure only by seceding from apostatizing denominations. The two branches of […]
Recently the Michigan Senate narrowly passed an “abortion reform bill” to make it legal for women residents to have an abortion for any reason during the first three months of pregnancy. However much we deplore the Senate’s adoption of this evil piece of legislation, we are grateful to note that the three Grand Rapids area […]
THE TRIPLE KNOWLEDGE. An Exposition of the Heidelberg Catechism. Vol. 1, by Herman Hoeksema. Published by the Reformed Free Publishing Association, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1970; 698 pages; $8.95. Reviewed by Rev. Harold Bossenbroek, pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Cutlerville, Michigan. This is the first volume of a three-volume set which is a […]
“DOUBLY STRANGE, UNBELIEVABLE” Dear Mr. Editor: Thank you for keeping your readers informed and up-to-date on the progress of the Reformed Seminary among the Tiv in Nigeria. It is now more than a decade ago that our Synod first urged the Foreign Mission Board to come to the establishment of a Reformed Seminary in Nigeria […]
A PRECIOUS HERITAGE The Church Order of the Christian Reformed Church states in Article 54b: “At one of the services each Lord’s day, the minister shall ordinarily preach the Word as summarized in the Heidelberg Catechism, following its sequence.” This is a good requirement. Catechism preaching has been a source of great blessing in the […]
I would like to make a few comments in response to the article “THAT versus HOW in Creation” by Dr. Aaldert Mennega which appeared in the January 1971 issue of THE OUTLOOK. In the first paragraph Dr. Mennega says: “And from Scripture we also know the most basic answer to the question of how God […]
John Robert Paterson Sclater (1876-1949) served pastorates in Derby, England; Edinburgh, Scotland; and Toronto, Canada. Ralph G. Turnbull says of Sclater: “He was grounded in theology and church history, and had a special feeling for the conduct of public worship with reverence and devotion. Standing in the holy place he preached in the grand tradition […]
Three years have passed since the Board of Trustees of Calvin, as well as the Synod of 1968 were earnestly petitioned by a consistory and by two classes to declare themselves on alleged erroneous teachings set forth by professors at the Free University of Amsterdam. This University is supported by and influential in the Gereformeerde […]