One of the traditional parts of current Christmas celebration is the Christmas tree. Already four hundred and fifty years before the first Christmas we read of the Christmas tree. It was presented by the prophet Jeremiah in two places: Jeremiah 23:5 and 6, and chapter 33:15 and 16. The prophet’s Christmas tree is the Branch […]
Having been brought up always to pray to God with Thee’s and Thou’s, and being over thirty so I cannot easily change, I intend to continue to use Thee’s and Thou’s in my prayers. There is something beautiful in these forms of address. They are a constant reminder that God is the Creator and we […]
Many who discuss liberal education begin with a survey of past ideas going back as far as antiquity. They often begin by pointing to the Creeks as free men liberally educated. I do not intend to give such an overview here. In fact, it is not so much my purpose to discuss educational philosophy, as […]
Editors TORCH AND TRUMPET Dear Sirs: My commendations to T. AN D T. for printing Rev. Girod’s cogent and straightforward article “What About CRC-RCA Merger?” (Oct., 1969 ) It is a clear and charitable presentation of the current situation in the RCA, and it also points precisely to several serious Haws in the Christian Reformed […]
In recent months there has been quite some debate on the subject of abortion. Newspapers discussed it in leading and special articles, while the column “Letters to the Editor” time and again carried letters by advocates or opponents of change in our present legislation on abortion. The debate started, when in some Australian States (notably […]
It is universally agreed that mathematics is important, that it is indeed very significant in life. This would be admitted even by those who are ignorant of or who dislike mathematics. There would be much less agreement, however, about why mathematics is important or significant. Such disagreement exists even among mathematicians and mathematics educators. Unhappily […]
Is the church old fashioned? Outmoded? Passe? Archaic? Antiquated? Not with it? Is the church a vestigial organ which apparently contributes nothing to the adequate functioning of the body in which it has been placed? Is it best then excised by the surgeon’s knife to permit the better development, the evolution and adaptability of the […]
Twice the writer gave an address on the subject, “Is Church History Repeating Itself?” Acceding to the request of the Editorial Board of the Reformed Fellowship to reproduce that lecture in the form of an article, I do hope that it will help to alert us to current issues and that the Lord will use […]
LESSON VII – Discussion Material: Daniel 7 Lesson Topic: “BIRD’S-EYE VIEW OF HISTORY” A. Introduction: With this chapter we go on to the prophetic section of the Book of Daniel. We do not have a chronological arrangement, since we are moved back in chapter 7 to the time of Belshazzar. The character of the last […]