The occasion for these comments will be more than obvious to almost all of the readers of this magazine, especially to those who belong to the Christian Reformed Church. Large quantities of the New Bulletin for September 1969 of the “Association of Christian Reformed Laymen” have been mailed to many homes within recent days. And […]
Although everyone seems to know what “liberalism” is, a definition which covers all the representations and representatives of this kind of religious thinking seems to be an impossibility. Liberalism has been compared, therefore, with the proverbial chameleon whose color changes according to its environment. In an interview with Dr. H. M. Kuitert and Dr. D. […]
(A review article of the book, Verontrusting en Verantwoordelijkheid, by G. C. Berkouwer, J. H. Kok N.Y., Kampen, 1969, 189 pp., f 9.75). Never before, it seems, have such changes as are taking place in our modern world affected the life of the Church as they are doing today. The advances of science, the explosive […]
THE NOBLE ACLU Fight for the rights of the pornographer, and the Communist, and the draftcard burner, and the criminal. But fight against that citizen who, paying for a God-centered education for his children, objects to paying a second educational bill, this time for the pagan, Christianless state education that is against his religious convictions. […]
John H. Piersma’s timely and relevant article on “Youth and Worship” appearing in the July issue of TORCH AND TRUMPET prompts me to dispatch this letter. The purpose of my letter is not at this time to enter into the discussion of the important matters dealt with in Piersma’s article. Rather, my purpose is simply […]
During the time and immediately after the events which led to the Council of Nicea, there were two outstanding men in the Eastern part of the Christian world from whom we today can learn much. These men are acclaimed by historians as the men used mightily by God to state the full truth of God’s […]
In the present trend toward “liturgical renewal” much of the traditional worship service is being questioned. There is a longing for a better grasp of the “joyful essence of Christian worship,” and a “greater reality, clarity, and sincerity in every act of Christian corporate worship.”1 Changes being instituted in some denominations are the use of […]
Recently, I was talking to a non-Dutch student ft who had more than usual difficulty pronouncing the Dutch names. Later on, when we got to the subject of Existentialism, it was not surprising that she didn’t quite hit it right either. She began with “Existen” and then trailed off into something some what less or […]
“What would Jesus do?” This question is often asked by earnest Christians when they are endeavoring to decide whether or not they should pursue some particular course of action. If the Bible does not give any specific precept regarding some practical issue in question, many believers then use the above question to determine their course […]
Let’s change the church services. The church is losing its hold on people, especially young ones. Evening attendance is off. Let’s make church more popular, more palatable. For example, why do we need to hear two harangues each Sunday by a preacher? Wouldn’t it be more meaningful if we could all share our experiences with […]