Martin Luther King

Who Was Martin Luther King? He was not a second Christ nor even a prophet, although many considered him so. Because he was a martyr at an early age, an eloquent preacher, a teacher of love and non-violence, and a friend of the down-trodden, some likened him to Jesus Christ. At his funeral, Rabbi Abraham […]

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1968 Agenda Synod

THE LITURGICAL COMMITTEE REPORT (1968 Agenda, pp. 8–2) One of the lengthier reports in this year’s Agenda is the Liturgical Committee Report. It covers 64 pages in the Agenda for 1968. Historically, the Christian Reformed Church has not accepted a uniform liturgy to be followed by alt our churches. The Committee relates the previous efforts […]

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Interpreting Genesis 2 and 3

Thursday September 21, 1967 marked the end of a forty-one-year period in the history of the Gereformeerde Kerken in the Netherlands. On that day, their General Synod meeting in Lunteren declared that the literal interpretation of Genesis 2 and 3 advocated by the well-known Synod of Assen (1926) is no longer binding and that the […]

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MAY WE BELONG TO THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY? Questions such as this come to n pastor often in the course of a year’s experience. There are an increasing number of organizations and associations open to Christian Reformed people nowadays, and our membership. attendance and contributions are being solicited. Many of us find this a most […]

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A Look at Books

R. Pierce Beaver, Pioneers in Mission (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1966). $6.95. This book is a significant contribution to the understanding of the rise of mission interest and efforts in America. Its uniqueness is that for the first time it places in the hands of the reading public a collection of all […]

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April 3, 1968 Editorial Committee TORCH AND TRUMPET Breton Village Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506 Dear Editors: In my article “The Shadow of Ambiguity” appearing in the April issue of your valued magazine is an error that I am particularly eager to correct. The text as it appears carries undesirable overtones. I refer to the sentence […]

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The Sabbath Question (3)

THE OLD TESTAMENT TEACHING CONCERNING THE SABBATH It is not my intention to present a complete, much less a detailed, discussion of the Old Testament materials concerning the Sabbath. In the symposium referred to in previous articles, I have endeavoured to present a fuller discussion of this material. Now I intend to include only a […]

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Christian Missions in the Days of Dort

By November 13, 1968, three hundred fifty years will have passed since the first “ecumenical” Reformed synod was convened.1 Meeting in the venerable Dutch city of Dordrecht, it aimed at resolving the unhappy conflict between Arminians and Calvinists which rent the Reformed churches. No one should express surprise that the mention of “Dort” brings at […]

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