What Did the Angels Sing?

One of the most amazing things about the Christmas story found in the Gospels is the simplicity with which it is told. Luke, for example, does not attempt to embellish the story in any way to remove anything that might distract from the sentimentality of his account, nor does he add some things that might make […]

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THE CREDIBILITY GAP The Bible teaches that Adam and Eve were historical persons, that there was an idyllic state in which there was no death and that there was an historic fall. But now from some Gereformeerde theologians in the Free University of Amsterdam and the theological school in Kampen we hear that there is a […]

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Christmas and Music

Christmas seems to belong to everyone, the non-Christian as well as the Christian. People who object to singing hymns and who have little or nothing to do with the Church, seem to have no objection to singing Christmas Carols. Thus the devil has all but succeeded in emptying them of any significant meaning. Therefore, the Church […]

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Portrait of a Protestant

Annual Meeting – October 20, 1967 Wish to say something about the portrait of a Protestant. However I now have some misgivings. I thought I was perfectly safe but I think I have spied somebody who was present when r spoke along this line some time ago about 500 miles from here. I have misgivings also because […]

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The Christian Reformed Church is Still on Trial

The May-June issue of this magazine contained an article by the present writer on the subject “The Christian Reformed Church On Trial.” The article, it may be recalled, dealt with the issue of the love of God and the atonement as it had been raised in certain writings by the Professor of Missions at Calvin […]

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What are the Advantages-if any-of Consolidation

Even though consolidation might be shown to have advantages, some of us could never accept it. Why not? We arc convinced it violates the most basic principle of Christian education, that is, that the parents are responsible for the education of their children. How does it violate this principle? By taking the parent another step—a giant step—away […]

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Letter to the Editors

“COMMENTS ON ‘BIBLICAL FLOOD AND THE ICE EPOCH’” Rev. Monsma’s book review of Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch by Daniel Patten requires an answer. The very thesis of the book leaves much to be desired. The author states that the book rests upon two important definitions of Earth history which are opposite and mutually […]

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