The 1966 Synod of the Reformed Church in America

The General Synod of the Reformed Church in America which met in Holland, Michigan, in June was neither more radically liberal nor more conservative than past synods. Instead, the Synod contributed predictably and substantially to conforming the Reformed Church in America to the thinking and action of the rest of the ecumenical denominations. Three radical and […]

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A NEW TWIST Sitting in front of a renovated farmhouse, overlooking a warm, lush Vermont valley, this writer had the privilege of exchanging ideas on government aid to education with Paul Blanshard, author of many anti-Roman Catholic books, including his most recent one on Vatican II. At one point Blanshard turned rather triumphantly to quote Jefferson’s […]

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The Three Loves of Professor Kuiper

Some months ago, not long after his eightieth birthday, the Lord took to himself one of his dear children. The death of Professor R. B. Kuiper on April 22 of this year has been noted earlier in this magazine. Now, however, we who were close to him in Reformed Fellowship Inc. and learned to love and […]

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The Bible is God’s Word

Certain teachings are of the essence of Christianity. Often they arc spoken of as Christian fundamentals. They are indeed basic to the Christian religion. The doctrine that the Bible is the Word of God is the most basic of them all, for the whole of Christianity is derived from the Bible. All Christian teachings, whether doctrinal or […]

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What Professor Kuiper said….

ON THE LOVE OF GOD… Occasionally one hears it said by Calvinists that God is good and benevolent to all the children of men but that He loves only the elect. According to Scripture, however, it may be said without the slightest hesitation that God loves all men. But what Scripture does not teach is […]

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Life With R.B.

Very early in my marriage to Marietta, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Kuiper, my younger brother, then about sixteen, enjoyed a brief period of close association with R. B. Kuiper. Afterward my brother said, “How can I be related to him too?” He found his contact with this very interesting and dynamic person so enjoyable that […]

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BLUE BANNER FAITH AND LIFE July–September 3408 7th Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 $1.50 per year This is a quarterly “devoted to expounding, defending and applying the system of doctrine set forth in the Word of God and summarized in the standards of the Reformed Presbyterian (Covenanter) Church.” Its editor is well-known to readers of this journal […]

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Christianity and History

On March 22, last, Dr. W. Stanford Reid, a historian of reputation in Reformed circles, opened a series of lectures at Dordt College with a discussion of the idea of history in modern theology. Dr. Reid was especially critical of Karl Barth’s approach in which Barth makes a distinction between Historie and Geschichte; Geschichte wherein the […]

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Studies in the Canons of Dort

LESSON THREE Part I Art. 2. GOD PROVIDES A WAY OF REDEMPTION A. God’s love manifested How was the redeeming love of God made known? “To manifest” means “to make known.” God made it known in sending his only begotten Son into the world to suffer and die for his people. There is only one begotten […]

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