The Book of Ascension

On Good Friday and Easter Sunday the churches are filled. There is no doubt in the minds of most Christians that these days represent redemptive facts of great personal importance. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary and his rising again in power on the first day of the week are clearly matters of tremendous significance […]

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Prof. R. B. Kuiper 1886-1966

As this issue of Torch and Trumpet is on the press we of Reformed Fellowship Inc. received notification that our esteemed colleague, friend and brother, the Rev. Prof. Rienk B. Kuiper, has been removed from this life into the joyous presence of the Lord whom he loved and served so long. Death came on the […]

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The Editor’s Page…

The 1966 synod of the Christian Reformed Church will within a few weeks convene in the First church of Pella, Iowa, this year celebrating its centennial as the first congregation organized west of the Mississippi River. Just yesterday the first copies of the Agenda, indicating materials submitted for synodical action, became available to the church. […]

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LET’S MATCH CALVINISTS AND ROMANISTS! A round table discussion of Calvinistic ministers and Roman Catholic priests—now there’s a thought. I have just finished reading The II Vatican Council and the new Catholicism by Berkouwcr. The author, quite characteristically I think, makes too many concessions to the enemy hut nevertheless spells out the general concensus that a fresh […]

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The Importance of the Reformation

On October 31 it was 448 years ago that the monk, Martin Luther, posted his 95 theses upon the door of the castle church in Wittenburg. In itself it was a rather insignificant fact. It just meant that a young theological professor invited his colleagues for a dispute on certain theological issues. In reality, however it […]

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Is Infant Baptism Scriptural?

The question whether infants of believing parents should be baptized appears to be perennial. It is put repeatedly. Hence this doctrine must be stated over and over again, in order that its Scriptural basis and character may not be lost out of sight. Here is an attempt to state these things as briefly and at the same […]

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CALVIN THEOLOGICAL JOURNAL, April Calvin Theological Seminary, 3233 Burton Street S.E. Grand Rapids, Michigan, $2.00 per year This is the first issue of the long·awaited Christian Reformed theological graduate school contribution to theological journalism. The appearance is attractive, the range of material extensive, and (wonder of wonders in this day and age!) the price is low. We are […]

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The Reformed Churches are in several respects rather unique within the family of Christendom. Though the years they have stressed the urgency of a committed and an informed membership as well as a trained leadership. For that reason much attention has always been given to instruction in the Christian faith. Without a knowledge of God and […]

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Coercion and Cowardice: When Will it End?

The United Steelworkers of America are at it again! Once again this socialist, N.D.P.—supporting union is desperately doing its utmost to make life miserable for CLAC member Dirk Hoogendoorn, who resolutely refuses to support, in any way, the Steelworkers as a condition of his continued employment with Greening Metal Products and Screening Equipment Company—the Orangeville firm […]

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