
WHERE THE LINES SHOULD BE DRAWN… The tumult and shouting of the American political campaign of 1964 have long since died away. New situations are developing to occupy attention, challenging us with their principles and compelling us to take our position. While the fires of conflict kindled throughout the world blind our eyes, legislation to […]

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Why the Thunderings on the Right?

During and since Barry Goldwater’s unsuccessful run for the Presidency much has been said and written about extremism, especially extremism on the so-called “right.” Much of this commentary has been in the form of sharply adverse criticism. Not a little of this commentary has itself been extreme, though often couched in impeccable academic language with its […]

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Who is B.M.I.C.

“BMOC” is an easily recognized symbol: “Big Man on Campus.” It is used to describe that student on a college campus who is able to command positions of influence in student affairs. His image is one of extraordinary competence and energy—he is able to devote several hours of work each week to the pursuit of these […]

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Being Dead, Yet He Speaks

During the month of April Germany commemorated the death of one of its martyr-heroes. On April 9, 1945, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was murdered by Nazi orders while the American army of liberation was moving swiftly toward the concentration camp where he was imprisoned. This brilliant theologian, dying at the early age of 39, has left his […]

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A Layman Lauds His Pastor

We laymen have many obligations to our pastors. We must pray for them, and most of us do. We must check up on their preaching and teaching after the manner of the Bereans, who, having heard the apostle Paul, searched the Scriptures daily to make sure he was right (Acts 17: 11 ). Most of us […]

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The Reformed Church in America

Returning delegates have generally found themselves questioned about two items that appeared before General Synod. The first is the issue of merger with the (Southern) Presbyterian Church, U.S.A committee comprised of twelve representatives from each denomination asked per. mission to formulate a “plan of union” that might be presented (though not necessarily) in 1967. The Particular […]

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After Many Years…Another Dordt

Reformed believers who have not completely forgotten the rock whence they were hewn still hold in high honor the synod of Dordt (1618–19). Here the pattern of ecclesiastical life for their forebears in the Netherlands was so firmly fixed that it remained largely unchanged for some centuries. A few weeks ago another synod was held, […]

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A Look at Books…

The Heidelberg Story by DR. EDWARD J. MASSELINK Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan 121 pages, illustrated. $2.50 The Heidelberg Story is also Calvinism’s story. Through four centuries of church history Calvinism and the Heidelberg Catechism have gone hand in hand around tho world; so much so that some have expressed (ear the Calvinist might sometime allow […]

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Amazing Church Growth in Nigeria

Five years ago the churches with which we are working in Nigeria had a total communicant membership of 4,928. Today they have a membership of 12,870. This is a growth rate of 161% over a five-year period. Few churches in the world have been blessed with such a rapid rate of growth. Our mission (the […]

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