“THICK LAYERS OF FOG…” The Christmas season has done it again! In another denominational paper an attack on the biblical doctrine of the Virgin Birth has been published. Subtly but surely the article was like an invitation to countless termites to come into the very foundation of the faith. Developing his argument, the author contends that in […]
“8. It is a mistake to think, as has been done, that Reformed churches, our own included, should concern themselves only with their own, that is, Reformed family. If as is generally assumed the non-Reformed churches, whether Protestant or non-Protestant, are Christian churches indeed, even though they are defective enough, then surely the Christian Reformed […]
Some time ago there appeared in the Netherlands a book which will be discussed for a long time to come. It is the fruit of the pen of a retired preacher, the Rev, B. Telder, formerly pastor of the Reformed (vrijgemaakt) congregation of Breda. It is entitled Sterven—waarom? and attempts to set forth what the […]
In a recent book, 20th Century Church Music, Erik Routley devotes a lengthy chapter tracing the progress of the new style of “popular” hymn in England and our country. He sees it as part and parcel of the cur· rent questioning of all traditional idioms which may very weB result in the disuse of all existing […]
It all began in 1950, fifteen years ago. In 1950 the synod of the Christian Reformed Church appointed a committee to respond to a communication from the Gereformeerde Kerken in the Netherlands on a proposal to enter upon a revision of the Church Order. In 1951 Synod agreed to a recommendation of this committee to proceed […]
Now that the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands (Gereformeerde Kerken) have judged that membership in the World Council of Churches may be considered a live option, the matter of such affiliation will undoubtedly come into sharp focus in other churches who with their sizeable and influential Dutch sister hold membership in the Reformed Ecumenical Synod. […]
The four-hundredth anniversary of the most widely used Reformed catechism has been celebrated recently. The Heidelberg Catechism was commissioned by Frederick III, elector of the Palatinate, and published by him on January 19, 1563. Its chief authors were Zacharias Ursinus, a twenty-eight year old professor of theology at the University of Heidelberg, and Caspar Olevianus, a […]
Admittedly, parental influence played a significant role in developing my sustained interest in the doctrine of the covenant. During the formative years of childhood and youth God in His providence channeled rich blessings into my life through the molding influence of a godly father and mother. Mine was the blessing and privilege of learning to appreciate […]
Dear Editor: I read with great interest the two articles dealing with the problem of education in the January, 1965, TORCH AND TRUMPET. I was pleased to note that Rev. Mahaffy and Dr. Palmer express a basic agreement in principle although they diverge in application. Please allow a few observations bearing on these articles. After careful […]
The New Covenant Israel by WM. E. COX, 1963, Third edition, 74 pages An Examination of Dispensationalism by WM. E. COX, 1963, 58 pages, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., Philadelphia These two paperbacks by the same author are significant. The author, a southern Baptist, and steeped in the teachings of the Scofield Bible. becomes a convert […]