I Ask…

O shepherds of the Bethlehem hills, When earth in slumber lay, so dark and still; And in the solemn hush of night When quickly shone a dazzling light— While hovering in that golden aureole bright You saw an angel robed in purest white— Were you afraid? O humble watchmen of the sheep, Who fearlessly your […]

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“He That Cometh”

During the weeks preceding the festival of Christ’s nativity the Christian Church, both in sermon and in song, turns its reverent attention to the ancient prophecies which speak of the One that should come, Advent and Christmas hymns abound in references to Old Testament prophecy. They hail the Babe of Bethlehem as the “Prince of Peace…, […]

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The Meaning of Poetry for the Christian…

Poetry is words arranged in metrical—or rhythmical—patterns called. verses; these may be regular or irregular in number of syllables and stresses. Poetry is also succinct verbal expression of thought and feeling. Often metaphorical and symbolical, its imagery suggests universally meaningful concepts. Idea presented through poetry (not doggerel or the work of poetasters) is coherent and […]

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A Call to Traditionalism

I am pleased with and honored by the opportunity given me to speak to you this evening. But I am also sobered by the responsibility to present something to you by way of a significant and meaningful challenge. I seek in what I say to edify you as members of the Church and to assist you in […]

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“New Directions for World Missions”

During the first week of October the overseas arm of the National Council of Christian Churches held its first meeting since the reorganization plan went into effect early in this year. The avowed aim of the gathering was to emphasize the “new directions” which should be taken by those denominations who in their work follow the […]

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A Look at Books

Korte Dogmatiek by Prof. Dr. K. Dijk. Published by J.H. Kok N.V., Kampen, the Netherlands. 312 pages. Price (paperback) 3.25 guilders. In English the title of this book would possibly be short, or brief, or condensed Dogmatics. It is an excellent little volume. Reading it GlIs one with admiration for the ability of the author […]

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