The Sum…Is Truth

If there could be a single text for this piece it might be Psalm 119:160a, “The sum of thy word is truth.” This text serves wen as proof for the divine inspiration of Scripture. And that means that everything from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 is the Word of God. Among the Bible-believing, therefore, such admonitions […]

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Advanced Liturgy*

I want to talk about “liturgy.” The more old-fashioned among us will remember that we used to talk about “Order of Worship” or even the “Service of the Word.” It seems to me that the adherents of modern liturgism have several not-to-he·despised things in their favor. For once one has mastered the Romanizing tenets of Protestant […]

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Academic Honesty and Obligations

Christianity today as a rule has excellent editorials. However, in the issue of December 7, 1962, one appears which is good, but not good enough. It places the finger on a very grave evil, but does not go far enough in condemnation of it. The article is entitled “Academic Duty as Important as Freedom for Faculty […]

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Evangelical Ecumenical Movements

The two major American ecumenical movements of an evangelical character today are the American Council of Christian Churches and the National Association of Evangelicals. ORIGINS The former of these movements originated in 1941 (having as nucleus the Bible Presbyterian and Bible Protestant Churches) in protest against the Federal Council, now known as the National Council […]

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H.J. Kuiper: A Personal Tribute

Thoughts multiplied within me as I stood in line recently to view the remains of the Reverend Henry J. Kuiper. One of them which will not down is the impression that with the passing of this man and others of his generation we arc witnessing the end of an era in the history of the Christian […]

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Preaching the Catechism

Is it still possible to be truly enthusiastic about preaching the Word according to the summary of its doctrine as found in the Heidelberg Catechism? In this 400th anniversary year of the publication of this Creed this question must be faced, and Dr. Alexander C. De Jong does so in a second of a series […]

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How Should We Preach Today?

In the “Reformation Day” issue of Church and Nation we find some pointed remarks on the need for continual reformation. Especially the preaching of God’s Word, which is the dominant feature of worship in the Reformed churches, demands attention. In a brief but pointed article the Rev. F. Guillaume makes mention of this. “Unless we make […]

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