QUESTION: My folks keep telling me that I am a self-centered person and today in school my geometry teacher said that I stick to my own ideas too strongly and will not admit it when I am wrong. I guess there must be some truth in what they all tell me about myself and yet […]
AS WE GROW OLDER How often it turns out to be true that we thought we knew certain things until someone asks us about them, and then we discover we don’t know. It is frequently so with regard to our religious beliefs and our devotional utterances. Many times we may repeat the words of Psalm […]
THE REPORT ON INFALLIBILITY Report no. 24 of the synodical Agenda, entitled “Infallibility and Inspiration in the Light of Scripture and the Creeds,” makes an impression of excellence. It is to the point, thorough, exegetically convinCing and creedally sound. Thus one is impressed by the main body of this well-written document taking pages 119 to 195 in the […]
Recently my wife and I spent a week-end in a large city on our West Coast. To attend the nearest church of our own denomination would have required considerable traveling by bus or taxi, so we decided to worship in churches within walking distance of our hotel. There were two such churches, and in this account […]
NOTE: This article by Professor Woudstra Is the first of three requested by the editors. These three articles by recognized Old Testament scholars from Calvin Seminary and Westminster Seminary deal with different aspects of what the editors regard as a very unsatisfactory treatment of a most important subject appearing in the Reformed Journal of February […]
In the year 1912 there were significant changes in theological professorships in The Netherlands. In that eventful year Dr. Arie Noordtzij became professor at Utrecht and Dr. J. Ridderbos succeeded Maarten Noordtzij as professor of Old Testament studies at the Kampen Theological School. (Dr. Arie was the son of Professor Maatten Noordtzij.) How wise of […]
Every serious student of the Bible must be interested in the question of the authorship of the Scripture’s individual books. In some instances there is little question, for the author of the book is named. This is the case, for example, with the Pauline epistles. Sometimes the author may not be named in the heading of […]
For a long time warnings have been sounded that the National Council of Christian Churches (successor to the Federal Council) would in time arrogate to itself the position and task of a super-church. Usually such charges were dismissed by the champions of that organization as totally unfounded. Now the aims of its leadership, however, are becoming more […]
Christ is the key to the Scriptures. The most obvious reason for that statement is that the Scriptures are redemptive. That is the main burden of the Bible’s message. And it is Christ who stands at the center of God’s redemptive revelation. From Genesis 3:15 to Revelation 22:21 the Scriptures tell of the Redeemer. In the […]
In our thinking and intellectual labors we are compelled to make distinctions. This is at least in part due to the limited capacity of our minds. However, the danger exists that distinctions are treated as if they were separations, so that the one part is evaluated independently from the other. In such cases we fail to […]