Pointed Paragraphs

“…BUT I DON’T THINK HE WILL COME” “We called Rev ………… but I don’t think he will come.” How often we hear that statement by members of a calling church. The writer of these lines has heard it dozens of times. Often it is put in the plural—“We don’t think he will come.” That makes it […]

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Separation of Family and State

In the current debate on school taxes, much is made of the principle of separation of church and state. This is a sound, Biblical principle, proved by American history to be salutary for our nation. It must be maintained at all costs. But equally fundamental is the similar principle of separation of family and stale. Just as […]

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TEENERS’ CORNER: Wanted – Better Wedding Music

QUESTION: I expect to be married in June and want to have all the organ and vocal music arranged in advance, including the wedding march and recessional. Some of my friends have been telling me that the traditional Lohengrin march is not proper for a Christian marriage ceremony. I also have heard criticism of the well-known Mendelssohn […]

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The Perils of Prosperity

Both in America and western Europe we are enjoying prosperity on an unprecedented scale. This challenges Christian believers to evaluate their awareness of responsible stewardship. In a recent article in Gereformeerd Weekblad (Dec. 22) Prof. G. Brillenburg Wurth signalizes some of the problems and perils which arc involved. Ours has become increasingly a consumption-economy. In contrast […]

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Something For Nothing

Ever since sin entered the world it has been man’s desire to be able to possess without working, to get without giving, to eat without sweating. Evil men of every age have catered to this desire by way of promise, and that to gain power. The dictator has used it to control the masses. The longing […]

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What Can We Learn from the Assemblies of God?

The 14th Annual Convention of the EPA (Evangelical Press Association) was held last January in Springfield, Missouri. This fast-growing organization now represents in its membership list 113 evangelical publications and this number is increasing year by year. Here is a legitimate type of ecumenicity, an example of the basic unity of all Christians who hold to the […]

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