Pointed Paragraphs

COMPLEMENTARY TRUTHS AND HERESY Christian theology consists largely, if not exclusively, of pairs of complementary truths. Divine sovereignty and human responsibility, the deity of Christ and his humanity. election and the covenant of grace, reprobation and the sincere offer of the gospel, Christianity as doctrine and as life, the guidance of the church into the […]

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John Wyclif

When we remember our debt to the Reformation we usually do not think of going back 600 years to a time more than a century before Martin Luther. Yet in the fragmentary records of the half-forgotten life of John Wyclif there is an anticipation of Reformation teaching that deserves much more attention than it usually receives. A […]

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What Caused the Great Depression

“The stock market crash in 1929 and the Great Depression which followed proved the failure of private enterprise and the need for government intervention. This kind of economic pontification may be heard in any gathering of ‘liberals’ and some books have been published in the recent past to give this neurosis intellectual respectability. “If one really wants to […]

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Indifference, Stagnation, Bankruptcy, Apostasy

What‘s this world coming to? Here is a question asked by many thinking people. Is not a seething caldron of unrest, rebellion, anarchy? With the Psalmist we pray, “Have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty” (Psalm 74:20). What is the Church coming to? That too […]

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Book Reviews

THE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE OF HISTORY by John McIntyre Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1957 (118 pp.) As a theologian Dr. McIntyre is concerned with a philosophy of history that is both consistent with and expressive of the idea of the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. He seeks for a doctrine of history “which is in […]

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