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May We Shoot to Kill?

The problem of war brings us face to face with God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility. Although there are some who would have us believe that God has abdicated or, at least, that he is in eclipse when this ghastly evil comes upon the world, the Word of God leaves no doubt that war vindicates the […]

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Unto Him that Loveth Us

(Conclusion of meditation begun in the August issue) “Unto him that loveth us, and loosed us from our sins by his blood; and he made us to be a kingdom, to be priests unto his God and Father; to him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.” (Rev. 1:5, 6). “Loosed from our sins by […]

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The Stars Tell Time

In our last article we asked, among other things. “When did God call the universe into being?” We pointed out that there was some disagreement among Christians on that score and that a number of them were inclined to accept the erroneous chronology of Bishop Ussher. A careful study of Scripture bears out the fact […]

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The word “piety” has had an unfortunate history. It has picked up many evil associations in its lifetime. So suspect has this perfectly worthy word become that we are almost afraid to use it. People may think of religious sham when they read this word. They think of phrases like “pious fraud” and “false piety” when this word […]

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The Pause for Praise

“And he said, Blessed be Jehovah, the God of my master Abraham, who hath not forsaken his lovingkindness and his truth toward my master: as for me, Jehovah hath led me in the way to the house of my master’s brethren.” (Gen. 24:27). “God has been good to me! I never knew his love was so […]

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Absolute Truth and the Hearts of Men

“Psychologism”—that is the name of an ever treacherous pitfall referred to in our previous article. When we slip into this pitfall, we lose truth in the maze of human experience. This pitfall can be avoided only by insisting upon the absolute, sovereign character of God-given truth. Only in this way can we hold before troubled […]

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The Value of Religion

NOTE: This is the third in a series of articles on common contemporary viewpoints which are contrary to orthodox Christianity. More than twenty years ago, before I became a Covenanter, I heard my pastor preach a sermon in which he advocated support of the foreign missionary enterprise on the ground that it furthers American foreign […]

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Christian Communism or Christian Charity?

Among the many popular misconceptions of historic Christianity there is the vague notion that originally Christianity was communistic in its intent and practice. Hence we often hear the “community of goods” of Acts 2:44 and 4:32, which was purely local, voluntary, temporary, and occasional, referred to as “Christian Communism.” For an orthodox believer such talk sounds […]

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“Be Ye Separate”

“Overture 1812” is Tchaikovsky’s stirring musical picture of Napoleon’s triumphant march into, and his in glorious retreat from Russia. The fiery music of the “Marseillaise” inspires the soldiers as they march to Moscow. Alons ellfants de la patrie, Ie jour de gloire est arrive. Bravely, confident of victory, they enter the city: the trap. Then: the fire! Hasty […]

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The Authority of Scripture

The difference between a Reformed and an Evangelical method of approach to unbelievers is our main concern in these articles. Our contention has been that the very nature of Reformed theology requires a distinct approach in the matter of its defense. Let us again discuss this question, this time in relation to the central problem of […]

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