Unto Him That Loveth Us

“Unto him that loveth us, and loosed us from our sins by his blood; and he made us to be a kingdom) to be priests unto his God and Father; to him be the glory and the dominion for ever and ever. Amen” (Rev. 1:5, 6). It is most fitting that the sacred Scriptures should end with […]

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Calvin and Church Music

Although it should be obvious to all Christians that music is a normal avenue for praise and worship, we Calvinists have too often weakIy accepted the many false criticisms of John Calvin and his attitude toward the richest of all arts. Historians contemporary with Calvin started the lie, and succeeding writers to the present day […]

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Call to Rededication!

Those who are acquainted with current events in the Christian Reformed Church will know that its 1951 general synod, broadest assembly of that denomination, was called upon to devote considerable discussion to the evil of worldliness, especially as it manifests itself in such practices as movie-attendance, card-playing, and dancing. Long and active is the history of […]

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When did God call the universe into being? When did God create Adam and give him the injunction to subdue the earth? When were the mountains formed? Was it during the Noachian deluge or long before the creation of man? Were the coal beds created in their present form or are they the product of […]

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What Do We Mean By God’s Covenant?

Throughout their checkered history the Reformed churches, as we noted in the last article, have grappled with the profound mystery of God’s gracious covenant with man. From the days of Zwingli and Calvin to the present, these churches in preaching and practice strove to reflect systematically the revealed Word of God in terms geared to […]

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A Calvinistic University in America

For a number of decades Calvinistic Christians have been giving expression to the hope that there might be a “Free University” in America. It has remained, however, little more than an ideal. That the ideal has not been realized may be accounted for in many ways. Not every observer would agree perhaps on all points. But […]

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God is Love

Note: This is the second in a series of articles of common contemporary viewpoints which are contrary to orthodox Christianity. The Sole Benevolence of God A common idea of God regards God as being only love; that is, it regards “love” and “God” as virtually equivalent and interchangeable terms. This view of God, which is properly […]

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Needed: A Consistent Witness!

The one main question to which we are addressing ourselves in this series of articles is whether Christians holding to the Reformed faith should also hold to a specifically Reformed method when they are engaged in the defense of the faith. This broad question does not pertain merely to the “five points of Calvinism.” When Lutherans […]

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Testing the Teachers

Not so very long ago I had occasion to read four book reviews on the same book by four clergymen from three different denominations. The title of the book is The Cultural Concept of Christianity by Professor Arthur W. Calhoun, dean of Sterling College, who is known as “one of the foremost authorities in the […]

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Here I Stand

(A Series of Lessons on the 37 Articles of The Confession of Faith, A Reformed Creed usually called The Belgic Confession.) The Doctrine of God, Articles 8.13. Lesson 7 Article VIII God is One in Essence Yet Distin. guished in Three Persons According to this truth and this Word of God, we believe in one […]

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