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May We Shoot to Kill?

The problem of war brings us face to face with God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility. Although there are some who would have us believe that God has abdicated or, at least, that he is in eclipse when this ghastly evil comes upon the world, the Word of God leaves no doubt that war vindicates the […]

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War is Expensive

I used to have a pro-active attitude toward war. Around the age of seven I began taking an interest in things military, allured by their apparent glory. I loved to watch war movies like The Big Red One, Star Wars, and television series like Baa Baa Black Sheep and Battle Star Galactica. I read Time/Life’s […]

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The statistics are staggering. 10,623 casualties in the Revolutionary War. 6,765 casualties in the War of 1812. 17,435 casualties in the Mexican War. 970,227 casualties in the Civil War. 4,108 casualties in the Spanish-American War. 320,710 casualties in World War I. 1,078,162 casualties in World War II. 136,935 casualties in the Korean War. 211,471 casualties […]

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The Armor of God: The Call to Arms Against Satan

The Armor of God: The Call to Arms Against Satan In Ephesians 6, Paul preaches the necessity of Christians being strong in Christ against Satan (v. 10). We call this “spiritual warfare.” That might sound to some of us downright charismatic or Pentecostal! But make no mistake about it; the apostle calls us to this warfare, […]

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The Armor of God: Your Offense Against Satan

At any given point in time, I have several members of the United States Marine Corps under my care as pastor. Their strength never ceases to amaze me. They carry the equivalent of a large child on their backs. They join up for a job that pays little, takes them away from their families for […]

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