Nigeria: A Time to Say Yes

For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven. Eccl. 3:1 Background Last June the Christian Reformed Synod endorsed full participation in the Theological College of Northern Nigeria. But this same Synod hesitated to make TCNN the sole institution for training Reformed ministers in Nigeria. She postponed decision on the […]

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1968 Agenda Synod

THE LITURGICAL COMMITTEE REPORT (1968 Agenda, pp. 8–2) One of the lengthier reports in this year’s Agenda is the Liturgical Committee Report. It covers 64 pages in the Agenda for 1968. Historically, the Christian Reformed Church has not accepted a uniform liturgy to be followed by alt our churches. The Committee relates the previous efforts […]

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The Board of Missions and TCNN

The Theological College of Northern Nigeria has been the center of much discussion at the Board of Foreign Missions, at Synod, and on the Mission field. The issue surrounding the TCNN is much more important than many realize. It concerns our mission policy on the Nigeria field and others. And it also is a test case […]

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Time for Decision in Nigeria

The request of the no Mission Field of the Christian Reformed Church in Nigeria for a Reformed Seminary has created a good deal of excitement in that denomination. In view of the fact that the Foreign Mission Board of the Christian Reformed Church will be asked to decide on this request at its next meeting, […]

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