The Reformed Faith is catholic in the truest sense of the word. This was one of the purposes of the Belgic Confession, namely, to express that the Reformed Faith was nothing less than the Faith of the ancient Christian Church. This catholicity is expressed in no better way than in the doctrine of the Trinity. […]

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As we said in our last article, the Reformed Faith is the catholic Faith. And one of the purposes of the Belgic Confession was to express our catholicity, which is especially highlighted in Articles 8-9 on the Holy Trinity. In thinking about these articles on the Trinity, we enter the deepest of Christian mystery. We […]

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In our last two articles we have looked at what our Confession of Faith says about the Holy Trinity. Now in articles 10-11 we pause and study the divinity of both the Son and Holy Spirit.               The Deity of the Son Eternally Begotten The Biblical language of God […]

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Creation has been a hot-button issue in the church for the last 150 years. Thankfully, though, our Confession of Faith brings us back to what is important about creation and what we actually confess about creation as confessionally Reformed churches. Here we ponder anew the glory of God in His work of creation. In Article […]

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Learning about God’s providence over my entire life, from before the foundation of the earth, through birth, to second birth, and throughout my life turned my world upside down. When I first became a Calvinist (believing the “Five Points”) my world no longer fit together nice and neat. My future career choice went from accountant […]

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The Sovereignty Of God

The Sovereignty of God, which Dr. Fred Klooster defines as that which “expresses the very nature of God as all-powerful and omnipotent, able to accomplish his good pleasure, carry out his decreed will, and keep his promises” is very clear when we see our Sovereign God actively at work in CREATION (ie. as our Creator); […]

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Believing the Unbelievable

This is a story about faith or believing in the unbelievable. It is also a story of putting aside our feelings of mortality and entrusting our lives to the Lord God, Ruler of the Universe. A nurse friend of mine was anticipating some elective surgery. She was a staff member of an emergency room services […]

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