The cause of Christ and of His gospel and church are both broader and narrower than the parochial concerns of our own relatively small denomination. The prayers and precepts of our Lord and of His apostles demand that we seek to realize “the unity of the faith” with all who come to truly share it […]
In the editorial paragraphs of last month we briefly outlined the argument of Prof. J. Plomp in his inaugural address. As we saw, Prof. Plomp believes that we should accept an “element” of episcopacy in our presbyterial system. He discussed the matter under three headings: Is it permitted? Is it desirable? Is it possible? All […]
In recent months more than one of our ministers has said to me jokingly: “I believe we could do with a bishop in our churches.” They said this with a view to our system of calling ministers. My usual answer was: “I don’t mind, as long as you make me the bishop!” Generally that was […]
January 1998 marks the 100th anniversary of the death of notable Southern Presbyterian theologian, Robert L. Dabney. Dabney was a lively, zealous and influential churchman of his day, though one often unknown by contemporary Reformed Christians who are not of southern heritage. In the interest of remembering the efforts of Reformed theologians who have preceded […]