GEORGE WHITEFIELD: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE GREAT EVANGELIST OF THE EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY REVIVAL, Vol. 2, by Arnold A. Dallimore. Westchester, Illinois: Cornerstone Books, 1979; first edition, 1980. 602 pages. $22.50. Reviewed by Rev. Jerome M. Julien, minister of the First Christian Reformed Church of Pella Iowa. A wait of nearly ten years for Dallimore’s […]
Meditation Text: Genesis 2:24–25 Suggested Reading: Proverbs 5 It is no secret that we live in a sex-crazed world. From magazine covers at the check-out counter to television commercials to what the algorithms at YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok feed us, sex is constantly being used to sell us something. On top of that, in […]
As a parallel piece to my husband’s article “Thirteen Ways a Husband Can Cultivate His Marriage,” which appeared in the July/August 2019 issue of The Outlook, I would like to borrow his first paragraph, changing it slightly to fit my article’s context: “Marriage is like a garden. If you are a gardener and want to […]
Springtime is the time for a change of apparel. Not all can afford a new dress every spring. And probably it is not necessary. But if you have worn a garment for half a century, a new dress is not exactly a luxury, especially if the old garment was a borrowed one and never fitted you. The […]
Following the “normalization” of premarital sex, divorce and homosexuality, I have been wondering when and which of the few remaining dominoes dealing with personal morals would fall. It appears the next to go will be adultery. Several press reports indicate the adultery domino is already teetering. The Air Force brought several charges, including adultery, against […]
From the world of secular psychology, we have good news and bad news. The good news is that human beings are designed to fall in love. The bad news is that they are not designed to stay that way. These psychologists say the synapses just start firing differently after two years. From the realm of […]
FORT WORTH, Tex. — Presbyterian leaders voted solidly in favor of marital fidelity during their denomination’s annual meeting in late June. At issue was the constitutional clause that requires clergy to maintain “fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman, or chastity in singleness.” By definition, this excludes active homosexuals from […]
This time of year many churches go through the process of selecting and installing office-bearers to their respective roles as elders and deacons. As we reflect on the importance of the role of office-bearers in the church, we should turn our attention to the account of Moses and his struggle to provide effective leadership among […]
There are many things we pray about as your parents. The most important and the most urgent is that you would rest in the finished work of Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins. We pray this daily and won’t stop until God answers. But we also pray for your future as a man, and […]
In City on a Hill, Phillip Ryken asserts that “a Church for post-Christian times is a teaching church.” He goes on to say that “the only church that will survive in post-Christian times is a church with a passion for God’s Word.”1 As elsewhere, in Mark 10 Jesus sets a pattern for the teaching church […]