A Look at Books

THEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ON CHURCH GROWTH, by Harvie M. Conn, Editor. Reviewed by Rev. John G. Van Ryn. Through the efforts of Dr. Donald McGavran and others of the School of World Mission at Fuller Seminary, Church Growth has become the focus of much attention in mission circles. Terms such as “winnable people,” “homogeneity,” “people movements” […]

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Jay E. Adams: YOUR PLACE IN THE COUNSELlNG REVOLUTION. Nutley, N.J.; Presbyterian and Reformed, 1976. 44 pp. $ .95. Reviewed by William H. Kooienga, Glen Rock, N.J. Jay Adams continues to write at a pace faster than some are willing to read, The flow of books and pamphlets testifies to a great sense of purpose and […]

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Now that we have touched upon some of the key foundational principles underlying IRBC’s philosophical model of counseling, we are ready to take a closer look at its superstructure: The 7 Dominant Domains of Origin for Human Problems. Earlier we looked at the Environmental and Production Domains which fall into the category of the Secondary Dominant Domains. Now we will look at the Primary Dominant Domains […]

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Whom are you Going to Call?

You or one of your loved ones runs into difficulty in life or in solving problems. Maybe it is a marriage or family problem, maybe a personal problem. Whom are you going to call for help? A friend? A relative? Your pastor? A professional counselor? In our secularized and psychologized culture and churches.1 it is […]

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The Superiority of the Scriptures in Counseling

Lip service to creedal statements regarding the authority of Scripture is too common and meaningless. Counseling is one arena where the contest for the sufficiency of Scripture is being waged most fiercely. Contenders for the faith find great allies among truly Biblical counselors. 959 such counselors came together in Lafayette, IN, in October for the […]

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Secular Psychology – a Pseudoscience?

Introduction Today in America, we live in a culture blighted with the same basic problem as the historic city of Athens. Our nation, as that city, has become a nation full of idols. Even as Paul was distressed that the overarching thought life of the citizens of Athens was characterized by a mind-set that denied […]

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In upcoming issues, I hope to present to The Outlook’s valued readership some introductory-level instruction in biblical counseling philosophy and methodology. The instruction that will be provided is based on the training model we use at The Institute for Reformed Biblical Counseling (IRBC). A great deal of the material that will be shared in upcoming […]

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