STANDARD BEARER, June 1 1326 W. Butler, S.E. Grand Rapids, Michigan, $5.00 per year The Standard Bearer could never be the same without the contributions of its late founder and editor, Rev. Herman Hoeksema, but his successors arc doing their utmost and their efforts are worth noting! Prof. Homer C. Hoeksema (son of “H.H.” and professor of […]
It cannot be said of North American evangelical Christians that they have exerted themselves very actively in the public areas of national life. Christians of whom this cannot be said so bluntly are mainly Roman Catholics or “liberals” who are still defending the left-overs of the Social Gospel. Evangelicals spend much time defending an infallible Bible and […]
To know the world wherein we live has never been an easy task. So many and such confusing winds are continually blowing, that the average man or woman is hard-pressed to discover any direction. And with all this blowing the well-known landmarks are demolished so thoroughly that life has perforce to be lived in a […]
Christianity today as a rule has excellent editorials. However, in the issue of December 7, 1962, one appears which is good, but not good enough. It places the finger on a very grave evil, but does not go far enough in condemnation of it. The article is entitled “Academic Duty as Important as Freedom for Faculty […]