“I feel wounded.” This statement was made by a member of the administration at Calvin Seminary in a speech given several weeks ago. I have been reflecting upon the statement. What has caused the speaker’s wound? It was the decision adopted by Classis Pella at its September 1981 session and reported in THE BANNER dated […]
The Grand Rapids Press on Saturday, December 26, 1981, printed an article under the headline, “Adam and Eve’ Issue Leads to Seminary Dialogue.” The article reported on a meeting held at Calvin Seminary the previous Tuesday in which professors at the seminary discussed with students certain controversial questions relative to Scriptural interpretation. It is to be […]
Recently the classis in which I serve received a visit from a member of the faculty of Calvin Seminary. The professor in addressing the delegates to classis adopted as his theme “The Unity between Calvin Seminary and the Church.” The speaker in pleading for this unity described it as twofold. He spoke first of a […]
President Kromminga, Board of Trustees, Faculty of Calvin Seminary, Representatives of other institutions, Whatever other dignitaries may be present, Friends of Calvin Seminary: I wish to thank the Board of Trustees of Calvin College and Seminary for inviting me to speak on this happy occasion. Perhaps some of you think the board could have done […]
Taking its cue from the Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of Calvin College and Seminary, Synod 1968 adopted the following recommendation: “That Synod take note of the fact that our consistories and people are being subjected to illicit and undermining propaganda regarding Calvin College and Seminary, that it deplores this practice and calls […]
“I don’t know what is wrong with our church, the way it has handled the ‘Dekker matter.’” That remark was recently made to the writer of these lines by a minister in the Christian Reformed Church who has served the denomination well in several churches and in various broader ecclesiastical responsibilities and is still in active service. […]
Last week a Calvin seminary student was teaching a catechetical class in a Grand Rapids church on the authority and accuracy of the Holy Scriptures. During the explanation one of the catechumens, a lad about nine years of age, raised his hand and upon given permission to speak announced that the Bible contained errors. Surprised, […]
With a week-long jubilee we celebrated some sixteen months ago the seventy-five year existence of our beloved Calvin Seminary and College. Highlight of that Jubilee was a Pageant, which pictured in a series of scenes the growth of these two institutions. The Pageant was an artistic triumph for everyone who had anything to do with it, […]
Former Christian Reformed Congregations Federate to Form “Fellowship of Uniting Reformed Churches” LYNWOOD, IL (November 27, 1995) URNS — After eleven meetings over a period of ten years, most of the 55 independent congregations in the Alliance of Reformed Churches have decided they want to “federate” into a new denomination. What the federation will look […]
CALVIN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY TERMINATES PRO-GAY PROFESSOR GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (November 21, 1996) URNS – Dutch theologian Dr. Jan Veenhof arrived at Calvin Seminary this fall with widespread fanfare as the seminary’s second-ever “distinguished visiting professor of theology.” Less than three months later, he is leaving in a quite undistinguished manner, having been terminated by the […]