The Anabaptist Problem The recent appearance of Rev. L. Verduin’s book, The Reformers and their Stepchildren calls our attention to the problem of evaluating the 16th Century Anabaptist movement and its significance for the Reformed faith. Unfortunately, that book as I observed in a review of it in the October TORCH AND TRUMPET, despite the impressive amount […]
Sirs, Although I am well aware of it that it is not considered good form to oHer to reply to a review of one’s books I feel that an exception should be made in the case of Rev. Peter de Jong’s “BOOK REVIEW…” of my The Reformers and Their Stepchildren. It is not a book review in […]
The Anabaptists have in the past been treated rather shabbily, much like the proverbial “step-children.” This is the basic judgment of the Rev. Leonard Verduin whose interest in his subject extends over a period of many years and has stirred him to write this book on The Reformers and Their Step-children. In a series of chapters, each […]
Mr. Editor: I think so highly of the Christian Reformed Church and know so favorably a number of its leaders such as Professor Clarence Bouma, Professor Cornelius Van Til, and others, and I have enjoyed so much reading the first number of Torch and Trumpet, that I am truly sorry to have to write to […]