The decision referred to in the heading of this article concerns the Theological College of Northern Nigeria (TCNN). The request for our support of this united, interdenominational training school for native African ministers in our Nigerian field was the subject of much debate at and before the Christian Reformed Synod of 1959. That Synod decided, first,“ to […]
The documents on the Nigerian question that will come before the 1960 Synod differ from those that were discussed at last year’s meeting in this that the doctrinal implications of this important issue are not mentioned. We trust they will not be lost sight of in this year’s discussions. After all, both the consistent championing of […]
The theology just referred to is also far removed from the ideas which its leading proponent once entertained concerning our task as a church of Reformed persuasion. We have before us a printed copy of a beautiful lecture which Dr. Boer delivered on April 23, 1946, in the Ninth Street Christian Reformed Church of Holland, Michigan, […]
During the past few years we have witnessed a remarkable upsurge of interest in mission work in the Christian Reformed Church, not only in foreign lands but also in the home land, especially among the unchurched. Let us rejoice because of this. May the day not be far distant when everyone of our churches. large or […]
In much of what is being written today about juvenile delinquency, in both the religious and the secular press, there is recognition of the breakdown of the home as the most basic cause of the alarming increase of lawlessness, vandalism, and crime among teenagers. However, there is no general agreement on what constitutes the breakdown […]
“If thy brother sin against thee…” The heading of this article places Matthew 18 quotations, as the reader may have noticed. The reason is that the reference is not to the entire chapter but only to the well known verses 15 to 18 which read as follows: “And if thy brother sin against thee, go, show […]
We clipped a brief news dispatch from the Grand Rapids Press of September 4 in which the well known teacher and writer, Dr. Elton Trueblood, professor of religion at Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, is reported to have said to a group of worshippers at a Methodist laymen’s retreat that we should get rid of the word […]
There has not been time for a complete evaluation of the speech by Dr. George Stob as reported by the Rev. Joseph Hill (see p. 5). In this article we can state only some of our first reactions. More will be said later. Our first impression is that though Dr. Stob’s lecture rates high in surface […]
“The only theology which the Bible knows—the Reformed faith.” That trenchant statement is made by Dr. J. I. Packer, English Calvinist of Tyndale Hall, Bristol, in an article in this issue on Calvinism in England: Its Status and Prospects. Let us give some thought to Dr. Packer’s pointed utterance. WHAT IS THEOLOGY? First, it reminds us that the Bible […]
In our former article we wrote on the threat which modern life, with its materialism and its mad rush, poses to the perpetuation of our family altars. Two things point to the possibility of the complete secularization of many Christian homes in a not too distant future. The first is the absence of all family devotions […]