Much attention has been given in recent years to the increasing number of conservative Protestants who are converting to Roman Catholicism. What is less well documented is that during this time a significant number of conservative Protestants—including some from Reformed backgrounds—have instead converted to Eastern Orthodoxy. The best known is perhaps Frank Schaeffer, son of […]

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The Eastern Orthodox Doctrine of Salvation (II)

Last month the author disclosed the Eastern Orthodox contention that although man bears responsibility for his personal sins, he does not bear the guilt of Adam’s sin. This has ramifications for the Eastern Orthodox teaching concerning the person and work of Christ and its application to the human condition. This month we will examine the […]

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Eastern Orthodoxy: The What and How of Salvation

Last month the author discussed the Eastern Orthodox lack of emphasis on the guilt imposed on the human race due to Adam’s sin, and the consequent lack of emphasis on the atonement inherent in Christ’s redemptive sacrifice. The What and How of Salvation We move on now to examine Orthodox theology in its description of […]

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We have seen that Orthodox theology stresses the work of Christ as being one of victory over Death and Satan, and the salvation of sinners as one of thesis. On the other hand, Reformed theology emphasizes the work of Christ as a substitutionary atonement, and the salvation of sinners as a Judicial decree of Justification […]

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January 1998 marks the 100th anniversary of the death of notable Southern Presbyterian theologian, Robert L. Dabney. Dabney was a lively, zealous and influential churchman of his day, though one often unknown by contemporary Reformed Christians who are not of southern heritage. In the interest of remembering the efforts of Reformed theologians who have preceded […]

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Reformed Christians have been perennially engaged in defending the doctrine of justification by faith alone against its detractors in other theological traditions. At times, however, debates over the doctrine have raged even within Reformed circles. Norman Shepherd, former Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia) and pastor in the Christian Reformed Church, […]

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