Who’s Boss?

Have you ever been asked the question: Who wears the pants in your home? I think everybody recognizes its meaning. Its another way of asking: Who’s boss in your home, father or mother? Questions like that generally raise a chuckle or two, but they are far from innocent. Back of them is the assumption, very […]

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Is It Right to Sin?

An Old Question The apostle Jude began writing a letter. He knew what he would write. But something happened to change his mind. A report came in which deeply disturbed him regarding what was going on in the churches. Therefore, he wrote a letter concerning the need for believers to contend for the faith. From […]

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Should I Mourn? An Old and Proper Question

This unusual question was asked by some young men. They were sent from Bethel to ask the priests and prophets at Jerusalem concerning a liturgical custom (Zech. 7). This question arose because of conditions in the land. This was a time of joy. The temple had been rebuilt. The city walls were restored. Israel as […]

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Were the Disciples Wrong?

There is nothing new under the sun. Already in Jesus’ day discussions were carried on that centered on marriage and divorce. It appears that those of that day could not agree on the issue. And since Jesus was among them—One who seemed to have all the answers—they come to Him with the divorce issue. Actually […]

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What the Reformed Faith Must Mean for Canada

The Membership Roster of Reformed Fellowship, Inc. lists the names and addresses also of the members of the Reformed Fellowship in Canada. In this year of America’s Bicentennial and the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the publication of THE OUTLOOK (formerly Torch and Trumpet) attention has been given to What the Reformed Faith Must Mean for the […]

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Ecclesiastical Office and Ordination

In 1973 the CRC Synod adopted a number of “Guidelines for Understanding the Nature of Ecclesiastical Office and Ordination” (Acts of Synod 1973, pp. 62–64). These “Guidelines” were printed in the April issue of THE OUTLOOK. Synod also decided at that time to appoint a new committee to study the implications of those “Guidelines,” especially as […]

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Liturgical Matters at Synod

Rev. Cecil W. Tuininga is pastor of the College Avenue Christian Reformed Church of Winnipeg, Manitoba. In his article he deals with the report of the Liturgical Committee to be found in the CRC Agenda for Synod 1973, pages 368–379. Report 38, presented by the Liturgical Committee, confronts Synod 1973 with two items. The first […]

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The Board of Missions and TCNN

The Theological College of Northern Nigeria has been the center of much discussion at the Board of Foreign Missions, at Synod, and on the Mission field. The issue surrounding the TCNN is much more important than many realize. It concerns our mission policy on the Nigeria field and others. And it also is a test case […]

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THE GREAT INFLUENCE OF SONG AND MUSIC Both music and song play a vital role in our lives. We are influenced by what we hear and we influence others by what we sing or play in music. Scripture is concerned to spell this out for us, how we must use song and music. Of music it […]

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Sundays and the Professional Athletes

Today there is an unusual emphasis on sports. We see an undue idolatry when it comes to sports. Among the great idols are the stars and superstars of sports. That idolatry is not at all limited to the unbelieving world. Christians are, to quite an extent, captivated by this same idolatry. Perhaps one could say […]

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