Becoming Congregational? CRC or CCC? Christian Reformed Church or Christian Congregational Church? Presbyterianism or independentism? Unity or diversity? Do we all agree on certain teachings and abide by certain rules, or does each one go his own way? One minister preaches this, but another preaches that? CRC or CCC? What do you think? You judge. […]

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There are two parts to predestination: election and reprobation. Election is the eternal decree of God, before the world began, by which he chose and foreordained some to be saved. Reprobation is the reverse side of election, whereby God passed some by and left them in their sins. In neither election nor reprobation did God […]

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Harry Boer the Heretic*

Harry Boer is a heretic to the extent that he asserts that the Bible has errors and in that he contradicts the Bible, the Belgic Confession (Article V) and the 1959 Christian Reformed Synod. Several consistories should protest, and through proper ecclesiastical procedure should forbid him from publicly or privately denying the inerrancy of the […]

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THE GOSPEL OF LUKE by William Hendriksen; 1122 pages, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $13.98. Reviewed by John Vander Ploeg. A commentator of the caliber of William Hendriksen comes along not once in a generation but more likely only once in a century. Just scanning, and here and there dipping into, The Gospel of […]

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A Land Without Laughter

We were on a trolley in Prague, going to the house of Vladimir,* a Czechoslovakian whom we had casually met at the site where the Nazis had murdered some Czech resistance fighters. As we passed the drab buildings, he said to us in German: “A land without laughter.” This summed up what we felt from the […]

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De Koster’s Unorthodox View of the Bible

Dr. Edwin H. Palmer of Wayne, New Jersey, is a Christian Reformed minister. He has served as pastor of CRC churches in Michigan (Spring Lake, Ann Arbor and Grand Rapids), has taught at Westminster Theological Seminary, and is presently serving as Executive Secretary of the New International Version of the Bible (New York International Bible […]

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Letter to the Editor

DR. DE KOSTER QUESTIONS DR. PALMER’S DECLARATION ABOUT THE BIBLE Dear Editor: I found myself as astounded as I think the “liberal” mind was delighted by Dr. E. H. Palmer’s flat declaration, in the January, 1977, issue of TilE OUTLOOK, as foHows: “To be very clear, let me assert with all the force that is […]

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De Koster versus Lindsell

Dr. Edwin Palmer of Wayne, New Jersey, a minister in the Christian Reformed Church, is presently serving as the Executive Secretary of the New International Version of the Bible (New York International Bible Society). His telling reply in this article to Editor De Koster’s repeated attacks in The Banner on Lindsell’s The Battle for the […]

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Abortion – Questions and Answers

Pointed and lucid, this article gives clear and unambiguous answers to the questions being asked about abortion. Dr. Edwin H. Palmer, a CRC minister, is the Executive Secretary of the New International Version of the Bible (New York Bible Society International). 1. Question: Why, if the state does not forbid the use of contraceptives to […]

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