Our Magazine – 1960 – and You

This is the ninth time that we greet our readers at the beginning of a New Year. In April of 1960 this magazine is expected to enter its tenth year of publication. It is with milch gratitude to God that we take note of this fact. When this project was begun in faith and prayer its […]

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Toss Out the Word LAYMAN?

We clipped a brief news dispatch from the Grand Rapids Press of September 4 in which the well known teacher and writer, Dr. Elton Trueblood, professor of religion at Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, is reported to have said to a group of worshippers at a Methodist laymen’s retreat that we should get rid of the word […]

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Dr. George Stob on Infallibility

The occasion of the lively controversy which has been carried on for many months in the Christian Reformed Church is the publication of two articles in Stromata the student publication of Calvin Seminary. In these articles—questions were raised in connection with the infallibility and–of Scripture. The thesis of these articles is that me doctrine of infallibility is carried […]

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Sixteenth Lesson (Matthew 6:16–18): Fasting

The manner in which the believers worshipped their God during the Old Testament dispensation was quite different from that of New Testament times. The altar occupied the central position in Old Testament days. Daily sacrifices were brought which were types of the one great sacrifice to come. Copies of the Word were scarce. In the […]

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Why Organize Our Women’s Societies?

Individuals wishing to organize themselves into one group always face problems. Questions arise about membership, aims, finances, meeting place, and other details involved in such organization. Despite the many problems our American society is organized on a high level in every sphere of activity. Evidently the problems are not insurmountable when a group of dedicated people […]

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Teener’s Corner: Movies That Smell

QUESTION: Sometime ago you wrote an article about “Smellies” in which you said that a flew kind of movies is being produced in which smell will be added to sight and sound. You said that an announcement of this new kind of filming “ad already been made by Mike Todd, Jr. Your article poked fun of the […]

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First Reactions to a Recent Lecture

There has not been time for a complete evaluation of the speech by Dr. George Stob as reported by the Rev. Joseph Hill (see p. 5). In this article we can state only some of our first reactions. More will be said later. Our first impression is that though Dr. Stob’s lecture rates high in surface […]

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The Calvin Jubilee in Frankfurt, Germany

Basel, Switzerland Dear Friends: I have been asked to write an occasional letter for TORCH AND TRUMPET concerning my sabbatical year experiences in Basel. Let me begin by telling you of an interesting Calvin Jubilee which I attended on September 19 to 21 at Frankfurt-on-the-Main, Germany. Today Frankfurt is a very modern city, the down-town section almost […]

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