In 1957 two major denominations made sharp attacks against Christian schools. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. adopted an 11,000-word document which now stands as its official statement on this subject. The Synod of the Reformed Church in America, although not adopting a report of its Board of Education on this […]

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Should a Reformed Church Do Reformed Mission Work?

We could phrase the above question more forcefully and meaningfully. We could ask: “Can a truly Reformed Church refrain from doing Reformed mission work?” That formulation would imply that any Church which is truly Reformed would do violence to its convictions and impulses by not doing mission work which is distinctively Reformed? That is our position. We […]

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Calvinism and Passion for Souls

In one of the 1950 issues of the Evangelical Quarterly there appeared an article on “Calvin’s Missionary Message” by J. Van Den Berg from Ottoland, Holland. The article attempted to show from missionary history the relationship of Calvinism to missions. At the conclusion of the article there appeared an arresting statement which we quote: “We have […]

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The Future of Our Christian Schools

Are these schools in the “Spring of Hope” or the “Winter of Despair”? Growth and Crisis Christian education is on the move in our circles. The latest Annual of the National Union of Christian Schools reports 207 schools with a total enrollment of 40,754 pupils, staffed by 1500 full-time teachers. Everywhere new buildings are being occupied […]

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Cracking the Southern Barrier

The sound barrier has been cracked; in fact, the jets continue to do it again and again. Oil companies advertise their success in cracking the octane barrier by solar refining. The color barrier in the United States between whites and blacks is under constant attack and there is an increasing number of indications that it, too, is […]

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God’s Workmanship

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God afore prepared that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10 “NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast.” For we are God’s workmanship! The wonder of the workmanship, therefore, is something for which God is to be praised. He accomplished it, not […]

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Teeners’ Corner

Our Christian Schools and Florida Vacationers Question: Do you think it is fair for Christian School teachers to take it out on us kids because we went to Florida with other parents for a three-week winter vacation? We asked them for assignments in advance so that we could keep up with our classes. They gave us some […]

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Book Reviews

Centennial Reflections: In the Mirror, An Appraisal of the Christian Reformed Church, by John H. Kromminga, President of Calvin Seminary. Guardian Publishing Company, Hamilton, Ont., Canada. I Will Build My Church, by Thea B. Van Halsema, International Publications, Grand Rapids, Mich. The Centennial year has occasioned the writing of these books. I Will Build My […]

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