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“…in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our sins, according to the riches of his grace.” Ephesians 1:7 “In whom” refers to Christ, “the beloved” (vs. 6). Jesus, the beloved Son of God, is also the beloved of our souls. He is the chief among ten thousand and altogether lovely. The purpose of […]

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No Sputnik but Christ: Christmas Reflections

As Sputnik and Mutnik revolve fl. around the earth, so our thoughts and those of millions of men are today revolving around these earth satellites, wondering what they really mean. We can say nothing about the scientific aspect of Russia’s amazing achievement. This is not our field. Neither shall we attempt to comment on the military significance of these most sensational happenings […]

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Is Self-Love Sinful?

Is it sinful to love ourselves? It goes without saying that we must turn to Scripture for the answer to this question. Three Words for Love A preliminary question is: What does the Bible mean by love? In daily speech, particularly in this sensual age of ours, love is a much abused word. Often it […]

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Give the Teacher a Chance!

The Sputniks are compelling America to engage in self-examination. Why did we lose the rocket race? Senators and representatives are busy asking questions and hurling accusations. Our public school system is also under question. Russian schools are better, we are frankly told. Why? According to a report by Marion B. Folsom, Secretary of Health, Education, and […]

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What They are Thinking

People of Reformed persuasion ought to give more attention to what other orthodox Christians are thinking on the significant issues of our day. Calvinists should take careful note of the orthodox and scholarly Missouri-Synod Lutherans. Particular attention is called in what follows to the statements on ecumenicity and neo-orthodoxy made by these orthodox Lutheran theologians.   […]

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Is Dr. Boer Right?

That My House May Be Filled: by Dr. Harry R. Boer A study of evangelism in the Christian Reformed Church William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1957. 128 pages, $1.50. My friend Dr. Harry R. Boer excels in integrity, in courage, and in zeal for evangelism. Those virtues come to vigorous expression in […]

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Israel’s Restoration

Outline IX (from your Bibles read Deuteronomy 30:1–10) Is the Establishment of the State of Israel the Fulfillment of Prophecy? Very significant is the fact that in its journey around the globe—a journey generally from the East to the West, just like the sun—the gospel has made great progress, and this especially during the last […]

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Israel’s Conversion

Outline X (from your Bibles read Romans 11:17 and also verses 22–27). “And So All Israel Shall Be Saved.” 1. THE WRONG VIEW OF THIS PASSAGE We may begin by saying that our ideas on this subject can be found in much fuller form in our little book entitled, “And So All Israel Shall Be Saved.” It […]

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Our Lord’s Return – 1

Outline XI From your Bible read Acts 1:6–11; also Matthew 24:36 In this Outline and in the next one we discuss the second coming. Now there are all kinds of border-themes; such as, the Resurrection, Armageddon, the Rapture, the Final Judgment, the Millennium, the New Heaven and Earth. Such subjects we hope to take up […]

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Our Lord’s Return – 2

Outline XII From your Bibles read II Thessalonians, chapter 1* 1. WHENCE AND WHITHER WILL HE COME AGAIN? In order to give a correct answer to the question, “Where is Christ coming from?” it is well, first of all, to know where he went at his ascension. As to the latter, the language is clear […]

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