1957…in the Key of C

The year of the great Centennial has begun. It is the Centennial of the Christian Reformed Church. It is to be a year of Celebration. Not only the membership of this denomination is concentrating on this grand event. The eyes of the church world in general arc on the Christian Reformed Church in the year 1957. […]

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More than thirty years ago the writer heard a Methodist minister of the gospel make this statement before a group engaged in a study of Christian leadership in Protestant churches, “Unless tho Christian church undergirds gospel preaching with a sound educational program centered in the Scriptures she will find her influence decreaSing rapidly,” This brother in the […]

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The Blood of Budapest

The Capital city of Hungary, Budapest, was two cities prior to 1872. These two cities, named Buda and Pest, were located one on either side of the beautiful Danube. In 1872 they were made into one city. It was a beautiful city, standing nobly astride the famous river. The parliament houses, covering about four acres along the […]

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Profession of Faith

One of the unforgettable events in our life is the worship on a Lord’s Day in which we made profession of our faith in the midst of the congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ. The richness of that experience depends upon the attitude of the confessor and that in turn stands in causal relation to what has happened between […]

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From a Principal’s Desk…

If you were a principal or a teacher do you think you would ever worry about the good or gifted student? Yet, today this gifted student is receiving much attention in American education as the problem. How did we ever get into this situation? Probably a day with a principal will help understand.         […]

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Is It Worth Reading?

By Grace Alone HERMAN KUIPER (1955, Wm. 8. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids 3, Michigan. pp. 165. $2.50.) This book by professor Kuiper of Calvin Seminary is a study in Soteriology, the doctrine of salvation. The title accurately indicates the theme of the book, that every step of the way of salvation is taken by […]

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