Why a King Failed

And he said, “Hear ye now, O house of David; Is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will you weary my God also? Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:13, 14 Eight […]

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What is Reformed Worship? (VII) It is Liturgical

In most evangelical Protestant circles “liturgy” is a four-letter word, at worst; and a “Catholic” word, at best. If you want to silence a crowd fellowshipping over coffee after a service, just say, “I really wish we had some liturgy here at the church.” In reality, this word is neither Roman Catholic nor a bad […]

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Read Genesis 41:1–36 Introduction Joseph had received revelation and understanding from God for the dreams of the chief cupbearer and the chief butler. Joseph wants out of prison, and he asks the cupbearer to take his appeal to Pharaoh himself. But nothing happens for two full years. God is with Joseph, it is true, but […]

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Read Genesis 41:37–57 Introduction The transition for Joseph in one day is breathtaking. One moment he is still in the royal dungeon of Egypt, and then next moment he is being rushed to get cleaned up and properly clothed in order to stand before Pharaoh. God’s timing is not always personally comfortable, but His timing […]

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The Tenth Plague The Sound of the Final Note

Exodus 11:1–10 The tenth plague is the last plague in the plague narrative; it follows three series of plagues with three plagues in each series. The first nine plagues belong to the three series of plagues with the tenth plague standing alone. The structure of the text sets the tenth plague apart; there is a […]

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