In the course of our consideration of the New Testament evidence regarding paedocommunion, we have noted on several occasions that there are no passages that directly address the issue. For this reason, advocates of paedocommunion commonly appeal to the covenant status of children of believing parents to argue for their admission to the Lord’s Supper […]

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The Standing Committee for the Publication of the Book of Praise of the Canadian Reformed Churches and the Psalter Hymnal Committee of the United Reformed Churches in North America met in joint session beginning Wednesday evening, October 25, through Friday morning, October 27, at the Bethel URC church building in Jenison, Michigan. Rev. Douwe Agema, […]

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Habakkuk’s Challenge

Habakkuk is a minor prophet with whom we are not all that familiar. In fact, I dare say most readers would have difficulty finding the Book of Habakkuk in the Bible. Having trouble with Habakkuk, however, puts the reader in the same category with many great theologians and scholars. The eighth of the minor prophets, […]

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The Ten Plagues: An Introduction to the Conflict

In the eleven issues of 2007, we present a study of the ten plagues of the great exodus. We will see how the conflict that began in Genesis 3:15 extends to the book of Exodus. Genesis 3:15 is prophetic. As the divine Prophet, God is describing the basis for the unfolding of human history. In […]

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“Who is able to stand?” That is the question with which Revelation 6 ends–a most fitting question in response to the opening of the sixth seal. Recall the scene of the opening of the sixth seal and understand the necessity of the question: “I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was […]

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Read Genesis 32:1–21 Introduction One crisis with Laban has been averted; another looms ahead for Jacob with Esau. A covenant seals the deal between Jacob and Laban so that there may be peace between them and their descendants. “Good fences make good neighbors,” it is said. But Esau is a new neighbor that is just […]

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The Holiness of God

The church today often speaks of God as just a big daddy who is there to love us and take care of all our hurts. We can climb into his arms and get a big hug when we are feeling sad. While this is nice to think about, it is hardly the way Isaiah felt […]

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Returning to the site of former conventions from the 1990s, this summer’s RYS national convention was held at Covenant College on scenic Lookout Mountain, Georgia. More than 600 young people, sponsors, speakers and staff attended the weeklong event. Rev. Rich Kuiken and Rev. Jason Tuinstra served as the main speakers, clearly communicating the convention’s theme […]

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