Being a Father

The other day I heard my six year old talking with his friends about the future. When talking about what they were going to do when they grew up, one child said, “I want to be a father, like my dad.” “That’s not a job,” another child retorted. “Yes, it is,” came the reply. “Well, […]

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Prophetic Fathers

“Telling to the generation to come the praises of the LORD . . .” (Psalm 78:4b) In Psalm 78 Asaph speaks as a father to his children, but also as a priest to God’s people. Let us, then, eagerly expect godly instruction applied to our hearts with warm affection. You might even be a father […]

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Heresy – Part 3

The early church never enjoyed a golden age. According to the New Testament, a Christian is someone who believes, receives, and obeys the teachings of the Gospel (Romans 6:17). He knows that the Church is the pillar and ground of truth (1 Timothy 3:15). Before the New Testament canon was even closed, all major heresies […]

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Who am I? From where have I come? Where am I going? These questions have intrigued, or haunted, the mind of man for centuries. These perennial questions are making a comeback of sorts amid Generation-X and now Net-Gen men and women in our culture. After a generation of saying “God is dead,” and “if it […]

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Classis Southwest U.S. Report March 23–24, 2004

Classis Southwest U.S. was held in beautiful Loveland, Colorado, as it conducted its 12th regular session on March 23–24, 2004, at the Calvary United Reformed Church. Tuesday afternoon was taken up with two matters. The first was the election of classical functionaries. Rev. Danny Hyde, from the Oceanside United Reformed Church of Oceanside, California, was […]

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The Name That Saves

So when He saw their faith, He said to him, “Man, your sins are forgiven you.”…”Which is easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Rise up and walk’?” Luke 5:20, 23 About thirty years ago, Bill and Gloria Gaither wrote a song entitled, “There’s Something About That Name”. The song was […]

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“Justification and the ‘Imputation’ of Christ’s Righteousness” (Part Two) In my previous article, I noted that, despite the importance of the idea of the imputation of Christ’s righteousness in the Reformation’s understanding of justification, the new perspective generally tends to diminish or deny that justification involves such an act. Though N. T. Wright allows that […]

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Pastor Paula

Pastor Paula Irik is a minister of the combined congregation of the Nassau and Prinsesse churches (Reformed, GKN and “state,” HK) in Amsterdam. Nederlands Dagblad, a Dutch periodical, relayed from the Waarheidsvriend the report of an interview with the minister which appeared in her church’s monthly bulletin, which we translate.           […]

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Sound bites – 1985

January 1985 “When assemblies disregard the Bible, creeds and church order, the decisions are invalid and may not compel members to support what violates the Word of God.” The Road Ahead Peter De Jong “Arguments advanced for opening the door to women in office are virtually identical to those employed to promote more liberal views […]

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Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (PRTS) held a groundbreaking ceremony for its new building project on March 18, 2004. The new site is located at 2965 Leonard NE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49525. The ceremony was attended by students, faculty, and friends of PRTS. Many ministers and elders who were in Grand Rapids for the Theological Seminary […]

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