The Profit of Easter

Tulip Time in Holland, Michigan and Pella and Orange City, Iowa, are very busy and interesting festivals. But they would mean nothing if what came up from the planting of a tulip bulb was the bulb. A bulb is a very ugly onion-like seed. It is nothing to plan a festival around. What you plant […]

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Reformed Worship – A Primer

It’s easy to get a fight started within most churches these days. Mention that the hymn books in the pews ought to be replaced. Or suggest that the elders revise the liturgy. Or raise a question over the celebration of Christmas. In other words, say “worship” and you have declared a fighting word. Reformed Christians, […]

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The Need for a Holy Spirit Revival (X)

It has been my privilege to accompany the 1966 Ligonier Ministries of Canada tour with a variety of theologians, from coast to coast, to speak about Revival and Reformation. My particular concern has been to seek revival and reformation in the Christian church. Many of the tour lectures are printed in the syllabus, By My […]

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BIBLICAL CHARACTER Several important conclusions about the Christian’s third use of the law can now be drawn.39 First, the third use of the law is Biblical. Old and New Testament scriptures teem with expositions of the law directed primarily at believers to assist them in the abiding pursuit of sanctification. The Psalms repeatedly affirm that […]

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MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (EP) — Finally, a scandal in the Clinton Administration has captured the public’s imagination. Turning the White House into a high-rent “Motel 6” for wealthy contributors didn’t do it. Selling foreign policy to the highest bidder couldn’t hold our attention. All that real estate law and banking policy stuff in the Whitewater scandal […]

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